Relationship Issue

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    • #145679 Reply

      I am born on April 20, 1979 at 10:45 Am in Chennai.

      Currently running Jupiter Maha dasa, with 4 years remaining.

      Facing depression issues and relationship issues.

      Could you please let me know if I will be able to get through this period?

      Whether I will have my family still at the end of this period?

      If not will I have new relationship after the end of Jupiter mahadasa and begin a new relationship after the Saturn Dasa starts in 2028?


    • #145684 Reply


      Just so you are aware, you in the last phase of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. Incidentally, Moon/Chandra seems to have limited support on either side of the flanks… making you a bit of a loner, with few friends and limited social life. So, it would help for you to strengthen you Moon/Chandra and in-turn your mind.

      The time period also seems to show, Vyaya/Losses/Medical-Hospital related expenses due to health issues, children etc., not to mention some detachment, an inclination or preference not to seek company (or mingle with others).

      By the way, please share a little bit about your parents and relationship with them.

      Take care…

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