Remarriage Inquiry

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    • #133180 Reply

      When is my remarriage? when will I meet this person?

      4th dec 1985


      New Delhi

    • #133198 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      remarriage astrology

      As per your horoscope we see that you have Ketu in the 7th house which is the prime house of marriage. 7th Lord Venus is in the eighth house and debilitated in the D9 chart which is also an important divisional chart seen for marriage. I presume this is a female chart.  Jupiter the karka for husband is also debilitated. You need to understand the 7th house its lord, Venus and Jupiter is weak in your horoscope and hence marriage prospect is weak in your horoscope. You are in the main period of Moon and sub period of Venus till November 2024. This period of Moon and Venus should give you an alliance.  Remember that the possibility of marriage with a divorcee or a widower is much more likely in the period ahead.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #133616 Reply

      yes Navneet Sir, but how did first marriage happen if it’s weak as stated? any way to strenghten?

      Also , is there a fixed period you see me meeting an alliance or it can happen anytime from now till Nov 2024.

      whoever I talk to things don’t materialize hence I am asking when things will actually move as this period from now till Nov 2024 is pretty long. I wish to settle this year if possible. Can the person be younger 1-2 years and from a different caste or religion?

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