Remedies for Child speech delay

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    • #156686 Reply

      My son 3year old Speech delay data of birth is 18/11/2020  time 3 :34 pm evening any problems in my son jadhakam. Remedies for Child speech delay.

    • #156718 Reply


      Please include place of birth, an essential input for casting the birth-chart.

      Take care…

    • #156720 Reply

      My son 3year old Speech delay data of birth is 18/11/2020 time 3 :34 pm evening place of birth  Trivandrum kerala any problems in my son jadhakam  speech delay will be Resolved soon

    • #156736 Reply
      JVS Rao


      This boy is weak and has less recuperative power.  His 2nd (speech) and 8th cusp (defect) sub lord is Ketu. Ketu is in 9th house, a watery sign. Watery signs give speech slow and in low voice. Ketu is the significator of 7th house through his star lord and 10th & 8th house through his sub lord Jupiter. As Jupiter is aspecting the 2nd house, I hope the boy would get improvement in speech from 5-3-2026. It clearly shows that the boy has defective speech.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)


    • #156740 Reply

      Any remedy for this

    • #156743 Reply
      JVS Rao


      I can not say remedies. Please ask your local pandits or Mr. Navneet Khanna jee or other astrologers in our forum. Please pray your family deity. Lord Murugan is fond of kids. Invite neighbouring kids to your house and play with them. Your kid enjoys with them. Later offer sweets like sweet pongal to kids. It pacifies Lord Murugan. It will give good results.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #156761 Reply
      T K C


      Your child’s chart shows afflictions to Lagna, Lagna lord, 2nd house, 2nd Lord and karaka for speech Mercury. The current dasa is also of the 8th lord which is also the nakshatra lord of the 6th house of roga.

      All this is making speech difficult. Along with seeing specialist speech therapists, you can try the following:

      1. Play the Vishnu Sahasranama daily so that the child hears it.

      2. There is a seed called “Alale kayi” in Kannada language. It has to be rubbed on a thick sandalwood plate (the one used to make sandalwood paste). Mix a small amount of this paste with honey and let the child lick it daily in the morning. This has helped in some cases.

      3. On a shravana nakshatra day, perform a honey abhisheka for Laxmi Hayagriva swamy if such a temple is accessible to you.

      whenever any remedial measures are done make the proper sankalpa for the speech problem of the child.

      Please remember these are earnest attempts. Result will be decided by the Lord above only.

    • #156784 Reply


      In my understanding and observation, I’m also inclined to think your child’s birth-chart shows afflictions to Ascendent or Udaya Lagna and Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev indicating a weak physical/physiological constitution, 2nd house (Zodiac sign of Aries or Mesha Rashi), 2nd lord of Speech Mars/Kuja, 3rd house/lord of Communication, Karaka for Communiction Mercury/Budha and 6th lord of Roga-Sthana. The current Maha-Dasha is that of 3rd & 8th lord (is not a benefic), posited in the Lunar Constellation of Chitta Nakshatra, ruled by 2nd lord Mars/Kuja, activating him, along with Rahu, Mercury/Budha, Moon/Chandra.

      For the records, Ascendent or Udaya Lagna, 2nd lord Mars/Kuja and Sun/Ravi all occupy Sarpa Drekkana. Saturn/Shani-dev and Ketu’s aspect of Udaya Lagna and Mars/Kuja is not preferred. 2nd house of Speech is caught in a strong Papakartari Yoga, Rahu has below par Vimsopaka Bala and occupies the 3rd house of Communication and hosts Mercury/Budha in his Lunar Constellation of Swati Nakshatra. Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev and 6th lord Sun/Ravi participate in Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level. Ascendent or Udaya Lagna, Moon/Chandra, Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev and 2nd lord Mars/Kuja are all placed in mute signs.

      All these seem to have contributed to the issue. All said and done, I’m inclined to think birth-time is off by a couple of minutes and the child started his life in the Antara of Roga-Karaka Sun/Ravi, who might have activated Saturn/Shani-dev, making the issue a bit of a chronic one.

      As for remedies, please consider offering special prayers to the Shriman Lakshmi NarayanaSwamy (combination of Goddess Maha-Lakshmi and Shriman Narayana – doing so will help appease Maha-Dasha lord Venus/Shukra and Mercury/Budha) along with Navagrahas, chanting/reading and making the child hear Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama at least twice daily.

      Apart from that, it would help for you checking the following Mantra (the mantras are said to be very powerful, when done with right intent/intensity).  Here are the mantras:

      1) Om Vad Vad Vaag vaadini Swaaha (108 times)

      2) Om Vaag vaadinyaiya Namaha (108 times)

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