requesting correct lagna

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    • #130213 Reply

      sir my dob is 21/9/1973 tob 12.10pm pob trivandrum kerala i have got two horoscopes one shows dhanu lagna other shows vrichika lagna kndly tell me my correct lagna my birth is through ceserian procedure and was not normal delivary . as on now i dont have any children i got married in 2002 october 20 my financial condion is some times stable some times unstable . my father expired on sep 2006. now i am facing unknown fear and mental tension kindly tell my correct lagna and suggest suitable remedy

    • #130216 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Which of the following is correct

      1. Your house is near a temple vicinity.
      2. late marriage and Marriage life is disturbed.
      3. Health issues to wife.
      4. Ancestral gains to wife through inheritance.
      5. Money stuck in bad investments, projects etc
      6. You have frequent stomach related ailments.
      7. Wife has unine uterous issues.

      See what is correct above and also tell more about yourself.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #130231 Reply
        jai sankar

        sir my house is near temple vicinity my wife has got health issues utrus related my marrige when i was 29 years old there is ancestral gains to wife through inheritance i usual face gas related stomach problem no investment is stuck in projects. my birth was through c section, my mother is alive and lives with me i dont have any brothers or sisters i am the only child.also my career is not stable i face frequent breaks in my career, i faced breaks in education during my engineering course but i completed my engineering course also done post graduation in psychology and buissness administration. kindly tell my correct lagna dob 21/9/1973 pob trivandrum kerala tob 12.10pm kindly answer Navneeth Khanna sir

    • #130237 Reply

      Astrology is evaluated using the Bhava Chakra and not the Rasi chakra. As per the Bhava chakra Moon and Mercury are one sign forward vis-a-vis Rasi Chakra. Your Lagna is Sagittarius 0 deg 18 min 57 seconds which is the fulcrum of the Bhava Chakra.

    • #130241 Reply
      jai sankar

      sir i will also like an answer from sri Navneeth Khanna sir regarding my correct lagna

    • #130248 Reply
      jai sankar

      sir i will also like an answer from Navneeth Khanna sir kindly answer i have given all the details asked in the reply by sir

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