Retrograde Rahu

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    • #32112 Reply


      Please advice me what does retrograde of a planet mean? Say suppose one person has Rahu Dasa and Rahu is in retorograde , does that mean Rahu will remain retrograde for entire 18 years of his Dasa?

    • #32115 Reply

      Rahu and Kethu always travel in retrograde and there is nothing like Rahu in retrograde. Read my blog for more insight into astrology.

    • #32130 Reply
      K.Umamaheswaara rao

      You have to read some books on astrology.
      Retrograde means backward moving.
      Rahu and kethu move always backwards.
      There is nothing extra ordinary.
      Prosperity of rahu dasa will depend on how the
      owner of house where Rahu is located.
      Suppose Rahu is in Mesha,if Kuja is placed in
      kendra from Lagna,Rahu dasa will be very good.
      If Rahu is seen by a good planet,then Rahu dasa
      will be good.
      If you are suffering in Rahu dasa,you have to do penance
      for one year to improve life.

    • #32260 Reply

      Dear Sneha,

      Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. Retrograde planet is just a phenomenon where the planet is perceived to be moving backward. Many Astrologer debate on it as how to judge retrograde planets. But,As I follow, System Approach Astrology, where it is said that Retrograde planets shall also be considered in the same way as other planets, only transit effects could be prolonged to due to planet’s retrograde nature. Stronger the Rahu, better the Result. Ofcourse, sign placement and any other benefic aspect or negative affliction shall be considered.

      Astrologer Sourav.

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