Settlement in Australia

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    • #146106 Reply
      Amit Kumar

      I am trying to settle in Australia from 2009 but after too much struggle I couldn’t. All visas has rejected. I applied for another PR visa in June 2023 and still waiting, my question is , is there any chance I will get my Australian visa or I will settle in Australia again?


      Please guide me as I know you are well wisher and give accurate  predictions


      Jy details are,   Amit Kumar

      Dob- 23/10/1983,  10:15am

      Birth place- Taraori, District karnal

      Gotra- Kashyap

    • #146350 Reply


      Even before we get into or check the Astrological aspects of your problem, it would perhaps help if you could kindly set the context by providing relevant details… including some background of yourself (educational, employment, professional skills etc.), family, insight into the fascination to settle in Australia and reasons your applications have been rejected thus far.

      Take care…

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