Speech delay

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    • #145275 Reply

      My son is 3 yrs ,he has speech delay,he was born on 15-12-2020… curious to know why?

    • #145284 Reply


      Time and place of birth are essential inputs for casting a birth-chart. Please consider sharing the same.

      Take care…

    • #145311 Reply

      My son has a speech delay,born in 15-12-2020,at 11:20 am in kenya…am curious know more…please help

    • #145359 Reply
      Well wisher

      Firstly their are much affliction to second house of speech and karaka mercury, the only favourable time period in which your child may start talking in last ending part of 2026.

    • #145371 Reply


      Kenya is a country, a spread out place (let alone Kenya, Nairobi the capital itself is a spread out place). It would make sense for you to provide the city/province where the child was born – either that or exact coordinates of the place. Accurate input of information would help identify critical afflictions, with regards to planetary placement and/or their status/inclinations.

      Take care…

      • #145400 Reply

        Hi,he was in Nairobi city..

        • #145401 Reply

          Hi,he was in fedha-embakasi Nairobi city.. thanks

    • #145460 Reply


      Considering the place of birth to be Nairobi city, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent seems to be placed in Aquarius/Kumbha Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu (who is not really a benefic)… being caught in-between malefics is not a good sign.

      Secondly, Sun/Ravi the Naisargika Aarogya Karaka or natural signifier of health seems to be caught in deep Gandanta degrees is also a sign of inherent weakness.

      Jupiter/Guru-dev, the 2nd lord and Naisargika Karaka or signifier of speech is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Capricorn/Makara Rashi… more importantly, he seems to engage in a planetary war or Graha Yudha with Saturn/Shani-dev and ends up in a losing cause. Jupiter/Guru-dev having below par Vimsopaka Bala is not helping either.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Yogakaraka Venus/Shukra. He has very low Shadbala and seems to be placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga. So, the situation is not really encouraging for immediate or near-term relief.

      Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea to offer special prayers and seek God’s Grace.

      Take care…

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