Stability in marrriage relationship

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    • #46285 Reply

      My husband has a very bad temper and due to same there are many trouble and tension in our marriage life!! I want to know when it will be stable

    • #46288 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Time will solve every problem.Some people(men or women) are
      ferocious because of their planets.Be patient for some more
      years(say 2 or 3 years).No person is acting on his own.
      Planets in his body are making him angry.
      Try to understand the secret.
      Whenever he sees you,he is getting angry.
      It is also due to your planets negativity also.
      After sometime,you will get some other planet period.
      When a king is autocratic and sadist,people
      will suffer temporarily.
      Dont try to escape from the circumstances.
      You have to suffer those things,philosophically.
      Then you will be alright.
      I saw so many such families.
      [email protected]

    • #46331 Reply

      You can clap only with two hands. Single hand cannot produce a clapping sound. Understand this principle, when your husband gets angry, just ignore him and keep mum or indulge in some other useful activities. Astrological evaluation cannot help you in this regard. Time is the only healer.

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