Success in legal matters

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    • #133604 Reply

      Hi sir,

      im undergoing divorce proceedings. I would like to know if I will win my divorce case. Also wen will I get divorce.

      my details

      dob: 6 th July 1991

      time : 05 14 am

      place : Hyderabad

    • #133608 Reply


      You are in the midst of Sun/Ravi Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari system) and he is placed alongside Udaya Lagna and conjunct Ketu in Mithuna Rashi. The presence of two Krura-Graha alongside Udaya Lagna is not a good sign – specially since Sun/Ravi (posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu) is not really a benefic for the birth-chart.

      To matters worse, he has activated Ketu, who in turn has stirred Moon/Chandra and Mars/Kuja (both are very too close to deep Gandanta degrees), as also Venus/Shukra (all are posited in the Lunar Constellations of Ashwini and Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu) and Jupiter/Guru-dev, who rules the Lunar Constellation of Punarvasu Nakshatra hosting Ketu.

      In other words, there seem to a overwhelming influence of Rahu/Ketu, the Lunar Nodes. This has probably made you melancholic – isolating yourself from just about everybody, including your own kith and kin. If you don’t stir yourself out of this situation, you could get into chronic depression. Please realize the situation and get out of the nightmarish slumber – instead of pushing everybody away, you need to put a lot of effort to stay connected with all well wishing family members and friends.

      Take care…

    • #133623 Reply

      Navneet sir, pls help, request you to give some clarity..

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