Success in Business

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    • #136055 Reply
      Inderjeet Singh

      Dear Sir, Namaste!

      Despite working hard in the finance business I am not getting desired results. Please reply when I will be successful in the finance business.

      Name: Inderjeet Singh

      Date of Birth: 24-07-1975

      Time of Birth: 4:10 am

      Place of Birth: Delhi


      Thanks & Regards,

    • #136119 Reply


      Please let me/us know what exactly is this “finance business” you do and what do you mean by “working hard”. It would be nice if you were to provide some background to help set the context.

      Take care…

    • #136153 Reply
      Inderjeet Singh

      Dear Sir,

      Thanks for the reply.

      Finance Business means helping clients with loans and working hard means I do all the hard work and in the end, the deal gets canceled.

      Plz, reply when I will get desired results.

    • #136164 Reply


      You’ve recently started Maha-Dasha of Saturn/Shani-dev (since late September 2022). He has barely managed to cross over to the 2nd house of Wealth Accumulation and participates in Rashi Parivarthana with Ashtaama Moon/Chandra, or Moon/Chandra placed in the 8th house of Challenges (where he is never happy or comfortable). Further, Saturn/Shani-dev is aspecting Jupiter/Guru-dev, placed in the 10th lord of Karma-Sthana and caught in deep Gandanta degrees.

      On the sidelines, you are in the last stage of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. This is putting undue stress on an uncomfortably placed Moon/Chandra and perhaps affecting your mind.

      In any case, it would make sense for you to consider appeasing Saturn/Shani-dev and strengthening your Jupiter/Guru-dev.

      Take care…

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