transfer and promotion

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    • #4726 Reply

      my dob is 23 sept 1970 time is 17:55 and place ambala cantt

      I have been living far away from my family for 3 yrs now after tranfer. for 3 yrs im suffering professionally as i am not given any increment/promotion , when will i be promoted and transfered back.

    • #4729 Reply

      Individual events in your career like transfer or promotion etc. are hard to evaluate in Astrology. What we can say is about the potency of your career house and the returns therefrom. Whether you will be happy in life etc. Astrology gives only a dim outline of your life and is not well illuminated as if in floodlight.

      In your horoscope your career house is moderately ok, nothing so outstanding. When you put in 7 units of work, your returns will only be for 6.8 units. Your 4th and 9th house are also weak.

      Read my article ‘Astrology – a new version’ on this web site or on for getting a better insight into Astrology.

      However I can see 2018 favouring you for a transfer of place.

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