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    • #136964 Reply
      Harpreet kaur

      Hi my birth details are

      27th January 1978


      2:30 a.m.

      My question is regarding my career. Through my life I have been struggling for a good job. I have been trying to find some job but no luck so far. Please help.

    • #136967 Reply


      As per my setting, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent is placed in Sandhi/Cusp and seems  have just crossed over to Vrischaka/Scorpio Rashi. So it would help if you were to elaborate and share a bit of the background (educational/academic qualifications, personal interests and family related), to set the context.

      If we were to assume the shard time is accurate, following observations would be relevant:

      1. Lagna Lord Mars/Kuja is Vakra or Retrograde and placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation.

      2. Moon/Chandra is placed in Simha/Leo Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. He is closely conjunct Saturn/Shani-dev who is also posited in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu.

      3. Sun/Ravi, the 10th lord of Karma-Sthana is ill-placed in the 3rd house of Makara/Capricorn Rashi. He is closely conjunct (7th &) 12th lord of Vyaya/Losses Venus/Shukra. Both are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shravana Nakshatra ruled by Moon/Chandra. They aspect 9th house of Bhagya-Sthana. Sun/Ravi participates in Rashi Parivarthana with Saturn/Shani-dev. But then, Sun/Ravi having below par Shadbala is not helpful at al. In fact, it would have contributed significantly to related significance.

      4. For the records, the prime time for landing or starting a career was being ruled by Sun/Ravi, followed by Moon/Chandra and then by Mars/Kuja. All of them activating the same set of planets/houses.

      All said and done, I’m also inclined to think family and related responsibilities might have played a role – over and beyond what has been called out.

      Take care…


    • #137053 Reply
      Harpreet kaur

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have done masters of science in agriculture. About mI used to like arts, painting and was also interested in theater and acting. I still like arts but never get time due to home responsibilities. I also like to do meditation.</p>
      At this stage of life, I feel very depressed and have lost charm of life. I want to work and earn. I ha e been trying to find a job but not any luck. Regarding my family background, my father  passed away at the Age of 54. I am married and have 2 daughters. Can you see any scope of good job in my fate?

      Kind regards

      Harpreet Kaur

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