US ex President Bill Clinton

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    • #7855 Reply


      I’ve a question regarding US ex President Bill Clinton’s chart.

      19 aug 1946, 8:51, time zone – 6 hours, 33N40,93W36

      Rashi chart-
      kanya lagna
      su in leo in 12H

      Q1 – During ju-su, all his sex scandals came out in public
      a) why only during ju-su the sex scandals came out
      b) since su is in 12th house – 12th H represents jail, why was he not imprisoned ?


    • #7927 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Hi Rohit,

      I have not studied Bill Clintons horoscope in detail but going by what you saying Sun in Leo in the 12th house. 12th house is for bed pleasures, and Sun is the Soul of the person. So the president was going through a period of having some extra bed pleasures.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #7961 Reply

        Navneet ji, your point well taken that he was enjoying bed pleasures. but 12h also represents imprisonment. and when all scandals started coming out during this period….there was a good chance for jail….AD of 12L in 12H…so why was he not jailed.
        actually what i’m trying to say is that today we know tht he wasnt jailed but at tht time if he wud hv approached any astrologer….wouldnt the astrologer have said tht yes you are going to jail ?

    • #7973 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      You need to see what planets were were , I mean in transit during the time this scandal become public to do an analysis as to any he did not get go to jail. What was the position of Rahu and Ketu at that time. As can be seen from his chart Rahu is exalted in the 9th house that is bhagya stan. By the way just for your knowledge you are correct that 12th house is for jail, but a strong 12th house as in his case can be one reason why he did not go to jail. See as Vedic astrology the 6th house is for debt and enemies, therefore a strong 6th house indicates that the person will take dbt but will remove it. Similarly 8th house which is the most malefic house an it is the house of longevity. A strong 8th house indicates long life. Likewise a strong 12th house indicates less chances of going to jail.


      Navneet Khanna

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