Wanted to know about career in life.

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    • #150547 Reply
      Suyash Shrivastava

      I wanted to know about my career growth. Recently I lost my job in March 2024 and still looking for new job. I applied multiple places , attended interviews also but not getting response from anywhere.

      Below are my details:-

      Name:- Suyash Shrivastava

      D.O.B :-11/08/1984

      Birth place :- Dewas (M.P)

      Birth Time :- 11:30 am


    • #150548 Reply
      Suyash Shrivastava


    • #150558 Reply


      You are slowly inching towards the fag end of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha (started in September 2011 and will last until September 2027). He rules the 3rd & 6th houses and is strongly placed in his Swasthana in the 3rd house of Courage and Proactive Initiatives… something he is neither happy nor comfortable with. So, he will be detrimental for related significance.

      On the sidelines, you are in the last phase of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, you would have been a bit stressed and your situation is reflective of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s transit across natal placement of Rahu in the 8th house of Change and Challenges. I’m inclined to think this is a passing phase and you will in all probability work hard and do well, in spite of odds/challenges…more so after the onset of exalted Yogakaraka Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha.

      For now, it would perhaps make sense for you to consider chanting simple mantras to appease Saturn/Shani-dev and Jupiter/Guru-dev, to help overcome the current situation.

      Take care…

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