Which Gemstone is best for career growth

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    • #153541 Reply
      sanjay kumar shah


      time:14:27 pm
      place:chennai tamilnadu india

      Im working as software professional . I wanted to go towards management . Please tell me chances, Also tell me Im facing lot of delays and obstacles to move towards management. Any specific reason. Any remedies. Any gemstone to wear. What Gemstone is best for career growth? I’m wearing emerald but another astrologer said its guru mahadasha to wear yellow sapphire. Another astrologer said that yogi planet is mars to wear coral. Another astrologer said that nakshatra is hasta to wear pearl. Which one to wear Im confused..

    • #153545 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr.Sanjay Kumar Shah

      First of all let me clarify you about the gemstone as per KP method. 6th house, 8th house and 12th house are called Dusthanas. So you need not wear any gem stone.

      Sun: Sun is the lord of 12th house in 8th house. Sun is in the star of Moon in 12th house. Sun is in the sub of Mars in 5th house. Mars is lord of 3rd and 8th house. 5th house is the labha sthana to your opponent or with whom you deal.

      Moon: Moon is the lord of 12th house and Moon is in his own star and sub.

      Mars: Mars is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses. Mars is in the 5th house. Mars is in the star of Rahu in 6th house but Mars is in the sub of Jupiter in 8th house.

      Mercury : Mercury is the lord of 1st and 10th house. Mercury is in 9th house. But Mercury is in the star of Mars in 5th house and sub of Ketu in 12th house.

      Jupiter: Jupiter is in the star of Venus (lord of 2nd and 9th house) in 9th house. Jupiter is in the sub of Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Mars in 5th house.

      Venus: Venus is the lord of 2nd and 9th house, is in 9th house. Venus is in the star of Mars in 5th house  and sub of Moon in 12th house.

      Saturn : Saturn is the lord of 5th and 6th, is in 3rd house. Saturn is in the star of Ketu in 12th house and sub of Rahu in 6th house. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter in 8th house.

      Rahu: Rahu is in 6th house. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter in 8th house and sub of Ketu in 12th house. Ketu is in the star of Venus in 9th house.

      Ketu: Ketu is in the star of Venus in 9th house and sub of Mercury in 9th house. Mercury is in the sub of Mars in 5th house.

      So all the planets are connected in one way or other to 6,8,12 and 5th houses.  5th and 9th houses are detrimental houses for service or employment or changes of job. Hence I suggest you to remove the gem stone, if you have already worn. Better to propitiate to relevant planet or the gods related to the planet.

      The present dasa is of Jupiter which began on 24-8-2022 and ends on 24-8-2038. In Jupiter dasa Jupiter bhukti Venus antara i.e between 11-9-2023 and 19-1-2024 you might have met with an accidental event in your journeys. Rahu antara is on. It is upto 11-10-2024. Rahu is not good, as Rahu is in the star of Jupiter (lord of 4th – status quo and 7th – your competitor or with whom you deal).  Jupiter is in 8th house (tensions). Rahu is in the sub of Ketu in 12th house and Ketu is in Venus star in 9th. Upto 11-10-2024 your trials will to futile. Saturn bhukti is not useful which is upto 24-4-2027. Next comes Mercury bhukti, which is good for change of job and go for management.

      In all the planets Mercury is somewhat useful. So pray your family deity and Lord Laxminarayana.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

    • #153554 Reply
      Sanjay kumar shah

      Hi ,

      Thank you for the same . So cAn i wear emerald then

    • #153558 Reply
      Sanjay kumar shah


      This is my birth chart .. Please tell me can i try for abroad jobs or any other jobs

    • #153559 Reply
      JVS Rao

      I said above I follow KP method.  I advised you for gem stone in my method. It is your lookout to follow mine or others. You have sent your chart cast in a traditional way. Rasi and Navamsa are useful only to the traditional astrologers.

      Current period is of Jupiter which began on 24-8-2022. In this Mercury bhukti begins on 24-4-2027. Till then you may not go abroad. In the meanwhile you make your trials. If you are success, then it is good.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

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