What is the solution

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    • #133367 Reply

      There is a dispute for the house were I am staying. My father before passing away in 2019,  given the house to me in front of mother and wife as i have renovated house with large sum of rupee. My date of birth is march/01/72 at 1.12pm in poona.

      how do you see my future in this case of property dispute. I have given true fact in this message.

    • #133429 Reply


      I don’t see a legal battle here. Please elaborate what kind of a dispute you are referring to. Just so you are aware, you are in the midst of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha and Antara of Ketu. So, the next few months are going to be a trying, testing and perhaps a bit stressful for you. Please consider offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha to help overcome challenges.

      Take care….

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