What planets decide a girl should marry a divorcee boy

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    • #142530 Reply

      Dob 21/11/1984

      2.50 am Coimbatore, tamilnadu.

      When will I marry,the astrologers I have shown say I should only marry a divorcee boy.

      I m marrying for first time,so is it true my house should search only divorcee boys,as conventional wedding with normal boy impossible as told by the.

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Can anyone please guide me on this matter.</p>




    • #142535 Reply

      Read chapter 9 0f my book. Please go through my profile.

      • #142536 Reply

        <p style=”text-align: right;”>Yes sir I have read ur articles about manglik and immensely respect ur knowledge.</p>
        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Can u or buddy (I don’t know his name) just give me a idea about my horoscope charts.i don’t want details just superficial points regarding my wedding.</p>

      • #142537 Reply

        Can u or buddy just give some idea about my wedding just superficial details

    • #142568 Reply


      Please bear with me and feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking… or seek as many alternate opinions from other knowledgeable folk, to satisfy yourself.

      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Virgo or Kanya Rashi. Moon/Chandra is placed in the 2nd house of Family Expansion and loosely conjunct a powerfully placed Saturn/Shani-dev (who is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation)… who further aspects 4th & 7th lord Jupiter/Guru-dev and Venus/Shukra placed in the 4th house, contributing to the delays (which is quite evident).

      Further, Jupiter/Guru-dev rules two Kendra houses and is placed in one of them – the 4th house of Homely Comforts, calling for validation of Kendradipathya Dosha – as they say, too much of good is also not really good.  On the sidelines, Saturn/Shani-dev, Mars/Kuja, Jupiter/Guru-dev, Rahu-Ketu are all powerfully placed and not all are benefic. Further, Rahu is not really comfortable or happy being placed in the 9th house of Dharma/Bhagya-Sthana and will be detrimental for related significance.

      All said and done, you have limited Yogas for marriage. Hence, it is natural for analytical minded and logical thinking folk to encourage you (and your family/well-wishers) in having reasonable expectations, be flexible/open minded and be considerate of unconventional (religion, region, caste, community, widower, divorcee, socio-economic background etc.) alliances… more so since you are also well past what is considered as regular age for marriage… and the number of good/decent matches would naturally have dwindled down considerably. Hope you’ll now understand why you guys should not be fixated on regular/conventional options… specially if you are really desiring of getting married.

      You are currently in the midst of Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and will soon be starting Antara of Ketu (from April 2024, as per Vimsottari Dasha system). So, please make consorted efforts for slightly better/potential time-period starts thereafter.

      Take care…

      • #142584 Reply


        I understand and agree that I hv crossed age for conventional wedding.my question is will I have a decent married life (not extraordinary).I know and have consulted many astrologers and I know I hv many malefic planets positioned.Buddy sir can u be truthful and tell me honestly is it worth marrying with my malefic planets as this age I don’t want to end up miserable,I would rather stay unmarried?


        • Do my charts show a ordinary decent wedding or with malefic planets is it far worse than my current life?
    • #142597 Reply


      I’m glad you understand and accept you’ve crossed the age for regular or normal conventional marriage – but it does not necessarily mean you (or your family) should only look at/for divorcees, widowers, handicapped etc. My suggestion would be for you guys to be reasonable in your expectations (a bit realistic as well), open minded and flexible in your approach.

      That said I’d also like to reiterate the importance of various aspects of Astrology, we conveniently  – as also repeatedly seem to ignore in the current age and time. Concepts and guidance related to meeting the querant in person, time of meeting (in terms of auspiciousness), associated Nimithas or Shakunas, the importance or significance of the concept of Desha-Kaala-Patra and the role they play in unfolding of Karma in the native’s life etc.

      In a virtual platform like here (which is not even a full-fledged forum, with authenticated users/data, qualitative information etc.), I’m sure you’ll understand associated limitations… which would prove to be a significant or appreciable handicap for most of us – lesser mortals, to make a full-fledged or deep assessment.  Given that I/we do not have much of an insight into your personal/family background, we may not be able to help or guide you (or others like you) beyond a certain point.

      Further, making a clear assessment over a virtual or internet forum is not really preferred (perhaps elevated souls can) for assessing certain sensitive aspects of ones life. Ideally, it is better done in person, after assessing related information with respect to Desha-Kaala-Patra (including various aspects about yourself, your family, your educational background, profession etc.) – not to mention Nimithas or Shakuna etc.

      That said, I’m inclined to think there is a small window of opportunity brewing – although the situation could easily tend towards denial, if concerted/focused efforts are not made or if you and your family give up on topic.

      Take care…

      • #142599 Reply


        I understand sir and I have noticed in this forum you are one of few who is actively helping ordinary people as us,going through charts.I know many people think of gain before helping anyone but all topics I have noticed here u r helping/guiding everyone who asks anything.


        Thank u sir

    • #142604 Reply


      There is absolutely no need to thank me… for, I sincerely believe I’m living as per my (enacting)  Karma, as are everybody else – including yourself. Unlike many elevated souls, I’m not aware of my/our past associations or collective Karma… but would like to believe you might have helped me in the past and I’m probably shedding that Karmic debt/burden I might have owed to you (and others).

      Beyond that, I’m sure you’ll also understand if I’m learning in some way and hopefully contributing to a better understanding of this (Astrological) knowledge-base. For instance, I could learn a lot more than my current awareness of Kendradipathya Dosha… by understanding and relating to your life experiences (more so during the past Maha-Dasha – that of Jupiter/Guru-dev). Incidentally, current Maha-Dasha lord Saturn/Shani-dev is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Vishaka Nakshatra, ruled by Jupiter/Guru-dev. So, I’m inclined to think he has continued to contribute to the current situation – not to mention the indirect influence of Rahu, who is unhappily or uncomfortably placed in the 9th house of Dharma/Bhagya-Sthana.

      As much as I’d love to learn (about you, your life/family etc., to understand this particular aspect), I realize we are also constrained in this virtual world. Aren’t we?

      Take care…

      • #142680 Reply


        I am not asking regarding my marriage as I m not very much interested in it

        But regarding my malefic planets rahu and shani,can u kindly guide me how to navigate them,I mean any Poojas or homam to hv my remaining life peaceful.

        • #142865 Reply


          You are saying you are not interested in a relationship…’cause you are in the midst of Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and a powerful Ketu posited in the Lunar Constellation of Anuradha Nakshatra, ruled by Saturn/Shani-dev has been activate. He has been putting up hurdles/roadblocks or Vignas and keeping your disinterested or detached.

          So, you might want to consider offering special prayers or a regular/daily basis to Lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith/bhakti, devotion and a strong Sankalpa.

          Take care…

    • #142605 Reply


      In any case, it may not be a bad thing to get rid of any/all Karmic debt/balance and clear our anything pending from past or current life. So, it may not be a bad idea for you (and others, specially if you think you’ve benefitted from me… in any way) to consider contributing a miniscule of your time, energy, effort etc., to a noble cause or donate to/in the name of Almighty.

      Take care…

      • #142606 Reply


        I believe our past karmas have manifested as our horoscope charts and we have to accept it and sir I don’t think there are any remedies to change our charts.we ordinary people sometimes just prefer one simple yes or no.if it’s denial to gladly accept it and do good karmas this birth by doing good deeds to hv a better birth in afterlife.This forum each and every topic I read and saw u hv contributed your time to each single topic which made me wonder what does this respected individual gains by spending his time/efforts/energy going through each topic,on a virtual platform.

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