When my Marriage will happen and bussiness will run

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    • #35239 Reply

      My name is -rohit Sharma
      DOB 12 9.1991 time 2.20 am place delhi
      I want to know when my Marriage will happen and when my business run successfully nd I am from hotel line bt I am doing business of medical line what is better for me

    • #35243 Reply

      You could get married by mid 2018, hotel line goes hand in gloves with medical line and you can be doing both simultaneously. However I find that your second house is weak in the horoscope and read my blog to get full details of its significations etc.

    • #35254 Reply

      Dear Rohit,
      You were born with Cancer Asc and Libra Moonsign.

      Venus the natural significator of girlfriend, wife is weak and hence delay in marriage. However, You shall get married by 1st half of 2018 only.

      Hotel industry shall be better for You. As Venus has a Support from Saturn. If You wish, You can invest less and do medical business as secondary.

      For paid Consultation,

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