when will i expect promotion

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    • #134795 Reply


      I am an Govt employee looking for promotion in job since 4-5 years, when can i expect promotion pls.

      My Dob: 16th July’1982 7;30 pm secunderabad, T.S India

      Sincere thanks

    • #134798 Reply


      To me, it looks like you are not in good terms with your colleagues, superiors  and subordinates. The combination of Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja is invariably at logger-heads with each other and creates what is called Agni-Marutha Yoga, making you extremely short tempered and literally crazy, when you lose your cool/composure. Your natural tendency or preference is not to work under somebody – specially, those whom you don’t necessarily respect or have high regard for.

      Secondly, Venus/Shukra placed in the 6th house of Service is not really happy or comfortable. To make matters worse, the combination of Mercury/Budha and Rahu who seem to be in very close conjunction has perhaps made you think in devious ways. In other words inherent intelligence has not been put to good use…it has rather been misused. If there is any truth to my understanding of your birth-chart, please let me know how you’ll be recommended for promotions. Instead, folks will be plotting to deny/delay your career progression. Is’t it?

      Take care…

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