when will I get a promotion in my present job

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    • #3718 Reply

      I wish to know when I will get a promotion in my present job or get a chance to go abroad and work there. Whenever I get a good opportunity, it gets missed. Besides working very hard, i am not getting a recognition in my office. Please help me

      Name : Anu
      DOB : 03-Aug-1974
      TOB : 1.35 AM
      Place : Chennai

      Thanks for your help.

    • #3723 Reply

      Your career house is not very potent to warrant a rapid promotion as per your horoscope and that is why you are not getting any recognition at office. If you are keen on a full analysis of your horoscope come through Premium services. Your horoscope is reasonably strong except for the career house and house of luck both of which has below average strengths.

    • #3734 Reply

      Thanks TMR sir. What can I do to improve improve my career house.

    • #3735 Reply

      When you know the reason for a problem, it is half solved and by perseverance you can improve upon it. Do your own introspection and find out what is lacking and try to develop it to your maximum. Without adequate background knowledge, I could offer no advice in this regard.

      Best of luck.

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