When will i get free from case

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    • #82282 Reply

      Please tell me sir when i can be free from the current police case. Will i win the case or i get punishment? My dob are 4 aug 1978, time 6:45 am, place jaipur(rajasthan)

    • #82292 Reply

      Assuming you are now resident in Jaipur, you will be free from the case by 2021. Incarceration is likely during your Sun Mahadasa. It does not necessarily mean imprisonment in a jail. Your freedom of movement will be restricted, that is all. It could happen if you are bed ridden also due to some ailment.

    • #82306 Reply

      Sir jaipur is my birth place and home town. i live in noida. Can you please see if jail yoga is in my chart and will i get married after getting free from this case in 2021

    • #82313 Reply

      There is only “Bandhan” in Astrology which means you lose your freedom of movement. There is a chance of Bandhan in Sun Mahadasa, Moon antardasa. There are some problems with your marital house. May be if you change your residence to a far off place like go abroad, you could eliminate those problems with the subsequent changes in planetary influences. Read my articles on blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in

    • #82318 Reply

      Sir as you said case can end up in 2021..and there is bandhan in sun mahadadha..so sun mahadasha will start from jan 2021 to 2027. Can that “bandhan” be marriage bandhan? Please tell me what are the problems in marriage and solution also. I cant change the place because of family and work.

    • #82322 Reply

      If you think Marriage is a Bandhan, it could be so. There will be no problems in marriage if you get a good matching horoscope. Read my blog.

    • #82334 Reply

      Hi Johny,

      There could be punishment. But, Due to Lord Saturn’s Good placement it would be less termed.

      Lord Jupiter’s And Venus’s Condition says, You are likely to be on guilty side.What is the case all about ? Rape or Promise-to-marry ?

      Lord Moon, significator of bed pleasure is completely combust by Sun in it’s own sign. Prisoners generally don’t get bed pleasure be it in terms of Sleep of Sex.

      So, there could be imprisonment.

      Astrologer Sourav

      • #82432 Reply

        Thanks Sir, that is a false case of not providing quality service in business. What would be the time of punishment and for how long. No marriage yoga for me?

    • #82480 Reply

      If you want answers from a particular astrologer, you may contact him using Paid consultation using the menu given above.

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