When will I go back abroad

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    • #136658 Reply

      I am having business abroad and was staying abroad with my family for a very long time. But because of problems in my business a legal case came against me and I was forced to leave to India and now not being able to return back.  When will I be able to go back abroad.

      Date of birth: 22/05/1966

      Time: 07:25 am

      Place: Calicut, Kerala

    • #136663 Reply


      You have a conglomeration of planets around Udaya Lagna in Vrishaba/Taurus Rashi. Incidentally, a powerful Rahu is right there in the midst of Sun/Ravi, Moon/Chandra, Mars/Kuja, Mercury/Budha. He is very closely conjunct his counterpart Mars/Kuja and engage in celestial war or Graha Yudha.

      You are inching toward the fag-end of Yogakaraka Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha. Upcoming Maha-Dasha lord Mercury/Budha is also close by and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. So, Rahu will continue to be active..

      All said and done, I’m inclined to think Rahu has been exerting his influence for a significant part of your life. You seem to have fearlessly misused your intelligence in unconventional and perhaps unethical ways… landing yourself in a mess. Further, you are probably well aware of your situation and naturally you are still thinking of and wanting to go back. No doubt you are very confident of your (twisted) intelligence and don’t seem too bothered or perturbed to test your luck.

      Please rest assured… I’m not being judgement or critical of you. Instead, I’m merely trying to judge planetary disposition towards you. In any case, please feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking, in this post/response.

      Take care…

    • #136696 Reply


      I haven’t told you the full details of the things happened in my life so I don’t mind you being critical about me.  I am not trying to go abroad to test my luck but to reunite with my wife and kids since they are still studying there, they are staying alone there for one year without me.  Yes I had made mistakes but more than that I blindly believed  some people whom I considered as my own but they betrayed and trapped me which led to the messy situation I am in now.  Will I be able to reunite with my family aboard?

    • #136702 Reply


      Purely based on my understanding of planetary positions in your birth-chart, I’m inclined to think the Government of this foreign country might be considering you as a fugitive. There also seem to be some sworn enemies grinding an axe. So you might want to validate and take a cautious /clean path.

      Take care…

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