When will my wife reunite with me??

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    • #83983 Reply

      My DOB: 20/09/1985 05:52AM place: Thanjavur
      Wife’s DOB: 11/08/1987 07:27PM place: Colombo

      Please advice when will we reunite? We are separated since Nov 2018. And will we ever be able to have a happy married life together??

      Thanks a lot for your help.

    • #83995 Reply

      Your horoscopes match very well. Why were you separated? You should be having a happy married life.

      • #84039 Reply

        Is it, really??? First of all thanks for telling something positive. But in reality, I wish we are a happily married couple. Even though, we love each other her parents are not allowing us to live happily. Right from the beginning her parents and her sister is interfering in our life and trying everything possible to separate us. And I don’t know why they are doing this to us? But the saddest part is my wife believe them, in spite of the fact that they were caught quite a few times lying about me and my family. Now, because of a fight between me and her family, which eventually turned out to be a fight with me and my wife, as she supported them, we are separated for last 6 months.
        Please advice will all this issues be resolved in God’s grace and when will she return to me. We haven’t spoken or seen other in this last 6 months. And I even don’t know whether she still loves me?!! 🙁
        Note: Ours was a love marriage and out families are distant relatives before our marriage.

    • #84050 Reply

      It is very difficult to answer your questions which are very specific to your life. Astrology cannot predict the type of questions you are asking. Read my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in which will give you the scope of astrology in one’s life.

      Astrology can only evaluate a single horoscope at a time. You are asking for looking into the horoscopes of all around you with whom you have close contact. If they are giving you problems, you change your residence to somewhere where you and your wife can live together far from the people who gives you problems by interfering in your life.

      • #84085 Reply

        Thanks for your response, Sir. But can you predict based on my horoscope whether we will reunite and live together happily or our destiny is to part ways? Am asking this because some are saying as per my horoscope it says there is more than one marriage in my life!! 😔

      • #84284 Reply

        Sir, awaiting your response…

    • #84055 Reply

      Dear Navin,

      I just checked Your Horoscope. Chances are there to reunite by the October end, 2019. However, You must try your Best communicating with your wife.
      However, For both horoscope analysis and deeper understanding and Remedies please contact me for PAID analysis.

      Thank And Regards,
      Astrologer Sourav

      • #84086 Reply

        Thanks Sourav Sir for your prediction. Is there any chances of we reunite anytime soon? It is already 6 months since we are separated and it is just 14 since we got married!! And I hope we can have a happy married life once we reunite. Thanks once again.

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