which house in vedic astrology denotes the source from whom I know the spouse

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    • #133746 Reply
      j Raju

      My son date of birth 6-7-1986 , Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, 22-25 pm.
      He is yet to get married.
      From whom I will know the would be spouse details
      When he will get married

    • #133752 Reply
      j Raju

      The latitude of Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India is 10.959815, and the longitude is 79.380898. Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India is located at India country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 10° 57′ 35.3340” N and 79° 22′ 51.2328” E.

    • #133757 Reply


      Natural Kalathra-Karaka Venus/Shukra is placed in deep Gandanta degrees, in the Lunar Consetllation of Magha Nakshatra. Given my understanding of Ketu’s role and the undeniable influence, I think it would make sense for your son to consider offering special prayers, regularly to Lord Ganesha and Goddess Mahalakshmi, to propitiate Ketu and strengthen Venus/Shukra. This needs to be done with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong sankalpa.

      And, chanting the following SLOKA for MAGHA NAKSHATRA could be beneficial too:
      upa’hūtāḥ pitaro ye maghāsu’ | mano’javasassukṛta’ssukṛtyāḥ | te no nakśha’tre havamāga’miśhṭhāḥ | svadhābhi’ryaGYaṃ praya’taṃ juśhantām | ye a’gnidagdhā yeana’gnidagdhāḥ | ye”mullokaṃ pitara’ḥ kśhiyanti’ | yāg^ścha’ vidmayāgṃ u’ cha na pra’vidma | maghāsu’ yaGYagṃ sukṛ’taṃ juśhantām ‖ 8‖

      Take care…

    • #133759 Reply


      Below is the Magha Nakshatra Sloka in Hindi…
      उप॑हूताः पि॒तरो॒ ये म॒घासु॑ । मनो॑जवसस्सु॒कृत॑स्सुकृ॒त्याः । ते नो॒ नक्ष॑त्रे॒ हव॒माग॑मिष्ठाः । स्व॒धाभि॑र्य॒ज्ञं प्रय॑तं जुषन्ताम् ।
      ये अ॑ग्निद॒ग्धा ये‌உन॑ग्निदग्धाः । ये॑‌உमुल्लो॒कं पि॒तरः॑ क्षि॒यन्ति॑ । याग्‍श्च॑ वि॒द्मयाग्म् उ॑ च॒ न प्र॑वि॒द्म । म॒घासु॑ य॒ज्ञग्ं सुकृ॑तं जुषन्ताम् ॥ 8॥

      Hope this helps.

      Take care…

    • #133773 Reply


      By the way, to me it looks like the possible bride may be somebody known/related to you guys (the parents).

      Take care…

    • #133782 Reply
      j Raju

      Thanks Buddy.

      We are doing  sankada hara chathurthi and also my son is doing all the slokas with dedication and devotion .

      I will chant the Maga nakshathra slogam for him. The problem is I do not know sanskrit and I will do that in Tamil translation of the sloka. Only thing is , the notation of 2 and punctuation may be incorrect.

      the imgbb link is given. There are 3 nakshathra slogas. The middle belongs to the Maga Nakshathra. verfied with your english sloka



    • #133783 Reply
      j Raju

      Hi, buddy, please explain Gandanta degrees . Do every star has gandanta degrees.

      I will definitely chant the maha nakshatra mantra as you say. I am not  heard of this kind of dosha.


    • #133787 Reply


      Gandanta is a Sanskrit word formed from two Sanskrit words Gand and Anta. Gand means joint or knot, and Anta means end or edge. This is used to indicate the edge between Jala or Water Tatwa Rashi and Agni or Fire Tatwa Rashi. Unlike the transition between other Tatwa Rashis the edge or sharp point between Jala Rashi and Agni Rashi there is not smooth transition or transfer of energy from one sign to the next, thus the transition point and the planets placed close to those points are considered to carry a lot of residual Karma, where purification or cleansing is supposed to happen. The edge of zodiac signs of Karaka/Cancer and Simha/Leo, Vrischika/Scorpio and Dhanur/Sagittarius, and Meena/Pisces and Mesha/Aries are where Gandanta occurs.

      Gandanta is a very powerful zone at the end of the said zodiacs. It is like a powerful spiritual knot, where Karmic energies are trapped.  As such when planets pass through these Gandanta zones of the zodiac, one can observe unfolding of powerful manifestations.  The planets grasp and hold onto Karma of the sign and indicate how one can get stuck instead of moving forward. We must understand the role this plays in our evolution to release the grasp or untie the knot, so we can get un-stuck and move forward with our destiny.

      Take care…

    • #133788 Reply


      As remedies, following are suggested:

      1. Chant Om Pakshirajaya Namah 108 times daily.

      2. Chant the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam daily.

      3. Native should remember to wash his feet, before going to bed. Lastly,

      4.  Consider helping needy and destitute women. It would make sense for your son to consider the possibility of accepting a less fortunate girl within known circles/relatives, as a possible/potential bride.

      Take care…

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