Your lagna is Kataka(Cancer).
Fourth house contains moon.
Fifth house contains Rahu.
Sixth house contains kuja.
Seventh house contains sun.
Eighth house contains Guru.Sukra and
Your horsocope has got much negatiivity.
Wherever you invest ,the yields will not
be attractive.
Now coming to Isht devta,some take pains
to calculate ishta devata,by calculating
Atmakaraka and then see its navamsa position,
and then calculate ishta devta as Siva or
Vishnu..Astrologers are telling Ishta deva,
according to their own likings.
That is completely wrong.
Clients may come from different religions
and different regions.
From the same Hindu religion,different regions
have got special liking for a particular God.
So,choosing Ishta devta is imaginary.
Dont believe it..Pray God,whom you like.
You need not take astrologer’s advice.
Now coming to your health problems.
You follow the following for 3 or 4months.
You will have substantial improvement.
[email protected]
Your disease can be cured with veganism plus detox therapy
in 3 or 4 months.
Veganism means avoiding animal products.
YOu have to avoid milk products(milk,
curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,ghee),nonveg,fish,eggs,sweets for
30 or 40days.In this method,you have to drink unfiltered
leaf juice of 30 coriander leaves,15 mint leaves ,10gms of
ginger and 15 gms of bittergroud.You can eat other food items.