Will I become doctor ?

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    • #136420 Reply

      Name : suaman

      D.o.b : 30/06/2002

      Time : 17:56 pm

      Place of birth: Honnavar ,karnataka






    • #136440 Reply


      As per shared details, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent is in Sandhi/Cusp – caught in transition on the edge, just past Vrishchika/Scorpio Rashi and into Dhanur/Sagittarius Rashi ( will change in a bit over a minute) – in deep Gandanta degree. It would perhaps perhaps make more sense to consider birth time evaluation (BTE)/rectification (BTR)… instead of speculating.

      Moon/Chandra seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere, without much of support on either side of the flanks, making you a bit of a lonesome person, with few friends and very little (if any) social life. He is placed in Kumbha/Aquarius Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Purva-Bhadrapada ruled by Jupiter/Guru-dev. As per Vimsottari Dasha system, you are in the midst of Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and started Antara of Ketu.

      On the sidelines, you are 21 years of age, giving an indication of not making the cut (as yet). And, in my humble opinion… things seem to have stacked up for you – unless of course there is discrepancy in the information you’ve shared. In any case, it would perhaps make sense for you to provide some background and help set the context – doing so would help immensely.

      Take care…


    • #136456 Reply
      1. You have the yoga to become doctor in your chart.
      2. You will become healer/ doctor sooner or later.
      • #136761 Reply

        I m trying my best to get government medical College but in 2023 I m unable to get it

        • #136762 Reply

          <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi,</p>
          You are also in the midst of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra.

          Anyways, to  me the Birth-time is a bit suspicious – for ~75 seconds earlier would have placed Udaya Lagna in Vrishchika/Scorpio Rashi. In any case, please let me/us know if you are getting into any (even a private) Medical College – let alone a Government Medical College.

          Take care…

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