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ParticipantDear Sneha,
Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. Retrograde planet is just a phenomenon where the planet is perceived to be moving backward. Many Astrologer debate on it as how to judge retrograde planets. But,As I follow, System Approach Astrology, where it is said that Retrograde planets shall also be considered in the same way as other planets, only transit effects could be prolonged to due to planet’s retrograde nature. Stronger the Rahu, better the Result. Ofcourse, sign placement and any other benefic aspect or negative affliction shall be considered.
Astrologer Sourav.
Shivaastrology1369@gmail.comASTROLOGER SOURAV (SHIVA ASTROLOGY)
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ParticipantDear Monika Ji, You are likely to get married in the 1st half of Next year. Good Luck.
ParticipantDear Akash Ji,
Mercury and Jupiter seems to be weak, due to which they may not be producing very good results. Jupiter rules 6th house, so, its placement with Mercury in 9th house can make his lower body part prone to surgery or Arthritis type of Diseases. Venus’s 7th house Placement and potency is very good, as You know. But, due to Venus’s weak depositor and as it is debilitated in D9 chart, so, it may also not producing the complete impact of the Raj Yoga created by it. 8th house placement of Satuen could make him prone to Heart Diseases or chest related Problems.
Only health seems to be problematic, rest everything is quite good.ASTROLOGER SOURAV (SHIVA ASTROLOGY)
ParticipantDear Rahul Ji,
Instead of sitting at Home, try for a work and do whatever You get. Rahu, Ketu and Planet Saturn ruling 6th house is afflicting many of the important houses. (as per System Approach astrology)n Lord Venus is combust by Malefic Lord Sun. Most of Your planets are weak and many houses are Afflicted. Saturn is in debilitated state in D9 Chart, so, further it is loosing energy. And, Saturn is also not likely to give good results. Better to respect Your Life and others instead of blaming Your Wife and Situation. Don’t wait for good time. good luck. Regards: Astrologer Sourav
ParticipantDear SuryaTapa Ji,
Present time running since September,1,2017 is good. So, You shall get it immediately. Job will be very good.
Good Luck.
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ParticipantDear Puja ji, Gemstones are really beneficial,if worn and recommended correctly. Gemstones shall be worn according to Your Problems. You are Virgo Ascendant. I noted that, Ascendant Lord Mercury needs Support. It rules 1st House and 10th House for Profession and and Present Dasha is also Mercury. So, at least You shall wear an “Emerald”. It shall be of 3 carats. It shall bless You with better health, career, domestic happiness.
For detailed Reading and complete analysis about Gemstones and Life long Remedies and Horoscope analysis avail my Paid Report:
Astrologer Sourav.
ParticipantDear Brother,
You were born with Virgo Ascendant and Scorpio Moon Sign. You will get married during 1/11/2018 to 11/4/2019.
Astrologer Sourav
Om Namah Shivay!!!
ParticipantDear Shailly Ji,
What I feel, Astrology is for Planning our future ahead and it shall be used as a guiding tool. Nothing is fixed. Yes, You need to take action. But, sometimes, it is quite tough to answer. Like I saw few who are not getting married or not getting job due to some disease. Although planets related to Job and Marriage and moreover, time running is also good. So, very bad health issues can create obstacles, and Astrology has very little measurements to modify all these disease. And, for simply a disease, someone is not getting married even if he/she is under opportunity time to marry. So, there is something which we can not control. I saw few person seeking for Partner, but not getting anyone because of high expectation. So, both this cases are of two types. One is unable to marry and another one is not getting married willingly. According to me, Destiny is Pre-fixed(as we all know), but, Yes, You need to apply free will to get what is there in store for You.
ParticipantDear Naina Ji, Lord of 7th House of Marriage and natural significator of Husband, Jupiter is in 8th house and Debilitated. Lord of 2nd House of family happiness and continuity of Married Life Lord Moon, ruling 2nd House is in 6th House and debilitated. Venus seems not to be in strong condition. Present Dasha is Venus only. So, chances are there to get married by April,2020. Specially, the last quarter of 2018 to January, 2019. Good Luck.
Astrolger Sourav
Om Namah Shivay!! -