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ParticipantDear Naina Ji, Lord of 7th House of Marriage and natural significator of Husband, Jupiter is in 8th house and Debilitated. Lord of 2nd House of family happiness and continuity of Married Life Lord Moon, ruling 2nd House is in 6th House and debilitated. Venus seems Not to be in strong condition. Present Dasha is Venus only. So, chances are there to get married by April,2020. Good Luck.
Astrolger Sourav
Om Namah Shivay!!
shivaastrology1369@gmail.comASTROLOGER SOURAV (SHIVA ASTROLOGY)
ParticipantPlease read it as : Jupiter is further weak as it’s dispositor Mercury is combust and in utter oldage. Lord of 4th House Moon is also weak. Sorry for the inconvenience.
ParticipantDear Rakhi Ji, You were born with Aries Ascendant and Libra Moonsign. The most important planet for marriage and married life is Venus, as per Your Birth Chart. Venus is in 11th House, Capricorn Sign and in Satabisha Nakshatra. Venus is in Old Age. So, over all Venus is producing average Results. Significator of Hubby, Jupiter rules 9th and 12th House and in 6th House of Conflict. Ketu is in 2nd House. Ketu is afflicting 2nd house, 6th House, 8th House, 10th House. Rahu is in 8th house and afflicting 8th House, 12th house, 2nd House and 4th House. Lord Jupiter is weak as it’s disposition Lord Moon is weak. So, Your Maraaige shall take a lot of time to happen. As, 2nd houss rules family happiness after marriage, 7th house is for Marriage, 8th house for Marital Tie. So, your Married Life shall be just okay. And, Marriage is likely to happen after second Half of 2020. Shall this chance be missed by June,2021.
Best Of Luck.
Astrologer Sourav
ParticipantDear Guest Ji,
Basic analysis of Your natal chart shows that , Lord of Marriage,7th house lord, Venus is in 8th house and it rules 12th house and placed in 8th house. So, not a very comfortable position for Venus. It is in Mrigasira Nakshatra, ruled by Mars. So just okay by Strength. Sun is placed in 7th house. Placement of sun in 7th house, delays marriage. Moreover, the planet of Marriage for Girls and Husband is in 6th house. Jupiter rules 2nd and 5th house. The house of Family expansion after marriage and happiness of Progeny. And, it’s Nakshatra Bharani, is ruled by Venus. Present Dasha is also just okay. However, You are likely to get married by the Mid, 2018.
Remedies: 1. Wear an Yellow sapphire of 4 to 5 carat on left hand index finger.
2. Perform a Venus Yaggya by an honest Astrology website.I wish You all the very best.
Avail My Paid Report : shivaastrology1369@gmail.comASTROLOGER SOURAV (SHIVA ASTROLOGY)
ParticipantDear Anuja Ji,
Moon is Your Yoga Karaka Planet. It is very weak and You shall wear the gemstone. Try wearing and check if Your Sleep improves, negative feelings reduces and peace of mind increases.
Start wearing a Jyothish Quality – Moonstone . It will cost You 10k – 15k . You can use it and try it. If You don’t believe my words, can remove it after 3 months.
Australian Pearl costs 2 lakh to 3 Lakh, so, wear a Moonstone and then give the feedback. Then You can upgrade it to Australian Pearl.
Participant12th lord is in Lagna and 8th lord is combust, which denotes prolonged illness.
ParticipantDear Anuja Ji,
Basic Analysis of You Natal Chart shows that, The Lord Moon, planet responsible for Mental Happiness, mind and Sleeping pattern is in 6th house and is also very weak. Moon is in Aries Sign, Kritthika Nakshatra. Mars is quite strong. Venus being the Lord of 12th house of Hospitalization and unnecessary expenses is in Lagna and afflicting lagna. Mercury, representing nerve system is closely combust by Sun and so it is loosing a very good amount of strength. SO, All these issues are coming.
So, You are likely to face lot of Health issues through out your Life.1. You must perform a Maha Mrityanjay Yaggya through an honest Website.
2. You shall wear a Moonstone of 5 carats to 6.5 carats or an Australian Pearl of 3 carats to 4 carats on Left hand little finger.
3. You shall Perform a Grahashanti Yaggya for Mercury and Grahashanti yaggya for Venus with immediate effect from any honest astrology website.Avail my paid Report at :
ParticipantDear Devi ji, Please mention Birth Place of Both.
July 12, 2017 at 1:52 pm in reply to: When i will get Married and how will be my married life #28259ASTROLOGER SOURAV (SHIVA ASTROLOGY)
ParticipantDear Hemlatha ji, Where is Your Birth Details?