How to use angel numbers to connect you with tarot

use angel numbers

How to use angel numbers to connect you with tarot

Each time you look at the clock it says 11:11. It’s interesting but could be a coincidence. Until you leave work for the day and see a number 11 bus, your groceries come to £11.11 and then as you come home, turn on the TV the volume is too loud, and it’s at 11.

This could be a clear sign that you are being reached out to, and that your spiritual intuition is making you aware that something needs your attention. Your intuition will become stronger the more you pay attention to angel numbers, and you’ll start becoming more aware of the messages that are being sent to you.

In terms of angel number 11:11 means that your “guardian angels/higher self/The Universal energies/your spirit guides” are near you, and want to connect with you. When you see this number sequence, it’s a sign to start paying attention to the messages that your intuition is sending you. 11:11 is a sign from your guardian angels to “wake up” your higher senses and abilities because it’s time for you to re-evaluate your life path and choices. On the other hand, 11:11 can be a sign that you need to change your routine or take some breaks. Keep in mind that your angels want the best for you. They love you very much and will guide you without stopping. However, you need to be open and willing to receive their messages. Don’t be afraid of these patterns that you see, and just accept them from a place of sincerity, with love.

Tarot is another way of receiving guidance from your angels and can be used as a tool for self-reflection and growth. Do you know in tarot, the major arcana and their themes are numbered too? There are  22 main Major Arcana cards. The number 11 in the Major Arcana Rider Waite Smith tarot is called Justice. The language of Spirit with the theme of justice is suggesting that your angels are aware of your current situation, and want to help you. There’s something that is out of balance and needs your attention.

When you encounter any repeating number sequence, it’s important to take a step back and assess what in your life needs balancing or attention. Other typical angel numbers such as 444 can relate to the Emperor in Tarot, whose general upright meaning is one of stability, order and structure. When we see 444, it is like our angels are telling us that everything is under control, don’t worry!

If you find yourself seeing 777, which can relate to The Chariot in Tarot, this could mean that your life is about to change for the better. This card can also signify victory and success, so prepare for good things! The Chariot has lots of other beneficial indicators such as a promotion, travel, a new car or a general feeling of progress.

If you see a lot of 222, which is my personal favorite in relation to The High Priestess, this could mean that you are currently in a time of introspection and spiritual growth. 222 is all about intuition, psychic ability, and deeper understanding so it’s likely that you will be learning a lot about yourself at this time.

What do the numbers mean to you? Do you have any special meanings for certain combinations? I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this!

“I’m Lizzie from Backyard Banshee, a secular witch and divination provider who enjoys big chats over tea, triumphs and tarot. You can find me on

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