In our pursuit to achieve our goals many times we are facing unknown obstacles and hindrances that generally lead to enormous frustration and disappointment. It builds the state of negativity and hopelessness. Lord Ganesh is always acclaimed as the eliminator of obstacles in ones life. He is believed to make things easy for his devotees with His powers. It may be related to Job, business or marriage. Ganesh Mantra has the enormous powers to remove obstacles and bring positive results. To manifest the power of Lord Ganesha and remove the obstacles in once life, the mantra of Lord Ganesha should be recited with full devotion.
Ganesha Mantra for Removing Obstacles:
Om Gam Ganapatayei Namaha
ऊँ गं गणपतये नमः
Translation of Ganesh Mantra: Salutations to the remover of obstacles, I pray for blessings and protection. This Mantra starts with OM the vibratory power of consciousness itself. Gam is the Ganesha beej, and when we say Gam we invoke Him. The potency of Lord Ganesha resides in his sound. Ganapataye names Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva. Namaha to bow in respect and honor.
This mantra is a popular beej mantra and has been popular in India and also the west for its ability to bring success and help in turning around things. It is often our own thoughts that hold us back. This mantra helps unify our inner self with our desires, helping us to achieving our objectives. This mantra also has the power to bring inner peace, positive energy and remove unexpected hurdles.
Astrologer Navneet Khanna, is a former World Bank & SIDA consultant, he has held many prestigious projects in India and Africa before settling down in his native place, near Chandigarh and following his passion in Vedic Astrology. Navneet is very scientific and logical in his Predictions. He reasons his predictions because of which he has a worldwide following and people from many countries solve their problems with his help.
He is an expert in Marriage and Love Relationship. In Marriage Matching he does analysis of Guna Milan and also Grah Milan (Matching of the Planets) and will tell you effects and remedies of Nadi Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha & Gana Dosha if present.
He is an Expert Astrologer on Many Indian & Foreign Websites like and a frequent writer for many national and international websites and magazines.
Navneet believes that Vedic Astrology is a vast subject, it is an ocean of knowledge and wisdom. It is simply up to the individual to jump into the ocean and extract the pearls. With his vast experience on occult subjects he has been associated with leading astrologers in India to promote astrology.
Navneet Khanna believes that the energy and inspiration behind him is the Blessings of the Almighty.
You may call / whatsapp him on his number +91-9417884861 .
My daughter name is Isha Born on 29th Dec 1987 at Saharanpur Up at 0510 AM. I am worried about her marriage.Please guide me what Should I do.
S k Sharma
In the horoscope of your daughter we see that Venus rules the 7th house which is the prime house of marriage. Venus is posited in the 3rd house and has aspect of Ketu. Mars which is also a malefic planet aspects the 7th house. Also she has mangal dosha. She is presently in the mahadasha of Sun and antardasha of Jupiter, the period of marriage has started from 24 September 2015. Your efforts on this front will bring you favourable results. Chances of marriage are strong in middle 2015.
Navneet Khanna
Guru g..i m very mch worried about m marriage lot of obstracle coming in marrying g i want to knw when i will get married and how m marriage life will be happy or sad?
M dob- 21/5/1990
Place -bhopal m.p. india
Timing- 7:10 a.m.
Your house of marriage is ruled by Mars, Venus the karka for marriage is exalted in the 11th house or the house of gains. Matching of the Horoscope should be done for marital happiness. Chances of marriage are in 2017.
Navneet Khanna
Om Gam Ganapatayei Namaha
Guru ji- My name is Sriram . Last year i was severely disturbed by the sudden death of my father and my DOB is 09.03.1988.
I have one sister and her name is S.Shruthi (24.11.1989) we got an alliance for my sister from our own place and they are our neighbour and the bride groom name is S.Upendran (09.11.1984). Based on mutual consent we have executed the engagement and marriage is also fixed on 24.02.2016 from 6.10am to 7am Kumbha Lagna.
But for the past few days i am completely disturbed and filled with negativity. On 23.12.2015 i have got an first invitation card and went to temple, but suddenly card felt on top of Deepa, then on second time when i gave coconut to pooja, one of the coconut was rotten.
So i am completely disturbed mentally don’t know what to do? Because i am the elder son and has the entire responsibility, i want her to lead a happy Married life. But due to these i am in a confused state.
Can you please provide me a proper solution or the better way to deal this situation. Looking forward for your suggestion.
You can use the astrology forum , and provide me the birth details of your sister and her world be husband. I will check and revert back. Dont worry there is God in this world and it blesses everyone. If our intention and heart are clear , only good will happen.
Navneet Khanna
Sir, My date of birth is on 16.02.1966 , as I am at 50 , still canot settle or in good shape in
either Job or in money matter, when ever I want to try to get a higer position or to start a business
some thing will happen and completely unlucky for all the past years.
Is there is any solution to improve my status and to be a stable position towards finance.
My DOB is 15.07.79 and please advise if I have yog to go/travel abroad. As I have my interview on 15/02/17 for USA and will I be able to clear this & will be able to fly USA.
Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Pranam Guruji,
my name is Debasish Roy.
Throughout my life I have struggled for success in job and still struggling. I have lost jobs more than once and recently lost my job again. Every 2 / 3 years after getting job, my struggle start and end with disaster result.
I am 47 years old and married for last 11 years and have a daughter.
Please let me know if there is any possibility of success and stability in job.
D.O.B. – 12th August 1970
Place – Kolkata, West Bengal, INDIA
Time :- 8.42 AM
Debasish Roy
The problem with your horoscope is when you work for ₹100, you are paid only around ₹50 in return. Naturally you will get dissatisfied and will lose interest in the job. Perhaps if you do something on your own with a good partner around, you might be successful. Teaching, some sort of engineering job etc. might bring you some respectable return. A Paid Job under someone or an employer will bring you no satisfaction.
Hi sir I want to know about our marrige life.our guna milan score is we have same nodi I am vry worrid about there any life risk?plz tell dob-9/9/ bengal.boy name-Anujit Mitra.Dob-3/12/,west bengal.plz rply..
Antya Nadi dosha is not good. You should do marriage only if Nadi dosha gets cancelled. You should check for Nadi Paad Vedha if it exists.
Navneet Khanna
Navneet sir pls tell me about my life with husband.
Navneet Ji, Can you please see our horoscopes and tell me if I should go ahead with the marriage or not?
Looking at the softwares available online, he has Jupiter in his 7th house. Can you please tell me about it? What does it mean? Is it a good thing or bad?
Aiysha singh
26 Oct 1991
Kanpur, UP
Anurag singh
18 Sep 1988
Patna, bihar
Jupiter in the 7th house, generally means that the person will have less interest in married life. Jupiter is a satvik planet and it indicates person lack of interest in marriage and life after. However marriage decisions should be made based upon multiple factors. Doing proper matching of the horoscope is one of those factors. You may Check your Horoscope matching from the link below
Navneet Khanna
Vedic Astrologer
Sir i need ur help.pls help the needy sir.u never answered my question sir.
His time is 10.30am
Sir pls answer!
Please post your Question with Birth details in the Astrology Forum
Navneet Khanna
Navneet ji pls tell me whether union with my husband possible?or divorce is there in my kundli.if reunion is possible pls tell me when??staying seperately from 2years.pls it would be more helpful if u dob-13/9/1985;Time-10:22am,place-hyderabad.
If it possible for a union it should happen before the end of 2018. If it does not happen you can have a second marriage after divorce. Eat 7 Margosa leaves everyday till your reunion or divorce.
Anurag singh
18 Sep 1988
Patna, bihar
Sir can you tell me how is his marriage life? He has Jupiter in his 7th house..? How is he as a person….?? How will his wife be???
Hello….. Pls answer
Too many questions. Please go through the paid service
Our company is located in Mumbai
In our company we are facing business down fall please advice last two year ,I am working in this company as Technical manager
My DOB 25/06/1953 time 7.30AM Place PUNE
Please help us
Read the horoscope evaluation of Sri Narendra Modi on and our country is now in his hands.
Angul odisha
Sir meri shadi 2018 /2019
Kis sal hogi shadi
Plzz navneet sir reply
Hello Sir, I m Shambhavi Prabhu here.. I m 31 years old…I am newly married women…My marriage date is 25 feb 2018…currently i m job searching…but i did not get job…I have lot of financial problem after marriage…plz check my kundali…23 April 1987, Mumbai, 8.22 rashi is kumbh.when will i get job?plz reply me sir…thanks
hello sir, my name is vijay bharath N ,dob-05-10-1984,not yet married,no job,am worried,pls guide me sir
Dear Navneet sir/TMR sir,
I would like to know if mrrg is promised or not in these two horoscopes:
Female: 11-jul-1979, 7:14pm, kolkata
Male: 25-sep-1974, 12:10pm, kolkata
As per my understanding in female case, 7th house jupiter is weak/debilitated, mercury is in mks so both are not favorable, moon is in capricorn so aspect of moon is also not favoring, saturn and rahu combination in 8th house creating shrapit yoga. So will remedy for Jupiter by wearing pukhraj can gve mrrg to her?
In male chart, 7th house lord mercury is badhakesh, while saturn is weak/vridha even venus is mrita, and jupiter is MKS, all these contribute to no mrrg till now, only sun and mars are good giving goof job and fortune. Will this erson can wear neelam and diamond to get mrrd?
As you are asking for deep analysis on two charts, Kindly look at paid analysis “Horoscope Matching Kundli Milan” from above.
Navneet Khanna
hello Navneet sir,
please tell me WHEN will I get married? IN WHICH YEAR?
Is there any possibility of reunion with my ex bf?
will I get married to him?
You will get married towards the end of this year and your marital life will be quite happy.
Ok thanks!!!
How will my husband be? Education specially?
Will I get married to someone I am looking for like very good education, decent earning or I need to compromise on various things??????
BY any chance can you tell me if he will be better than my ex bf?
Answers to your questions are beyond the scope of astrology or any other science for that matter. Just because we answer questions for free, you cannot ask anything which comes to your mind. Perhaps you can contact some wayside astrologers who will answer all your questions to your liking.
Oh may be. But navneet sir can answer this question. He answered this for my friend and all what he said came true. So, I asked.