Query on my friends profile

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by TMR.
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  • Author
    • #9749 Reply
      David Brown

      I am posting on my friends behalf, His birth details are given below. He is always on a depressed state,as most of his ventures were not doing well. Can you please analyze what is wrong with him?

      Born on: 14 May 1984 2:39 PM
      Location: Dobbs Ferry, New York.

    • #9759 Reply

      There is something wrong with his horoscope the details of which we will send you if you come through paid services. He has the 4th and 9th houses the weakest in his charts. What these houses signify can be found from the internet or read my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in

    • #9765 Reply
      David Brown

      Can you tell me what does it mean by saying, 4th and 9th houses the weakest? What are the ill effect of such a formation?


    • #9767 Reply

      Please read the articles on my blog which will give you an idea. The ill effects are similar to what you have written like being in a depressed state, lack of happiness, ill luck in most activities etc.

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