Career and business almost finished

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    • #136351 Reply

      Name: Sanoop

      Date of Birth: 01/10/1981

      Time: 06:15 am

      Place: Tellicherry, Kerala

      I have been working in a medical firm owned by my brother-in-law for the last 20 years in Oman.  Everything was fine until 2015 but after that the problems kept on coming like waves in a sea.  We tried our best to rectify all the problems but now the financial condition of mine as well my company is very pathetic and is on the verge of winding up.  Can you please tell whether things will improve.

    • #136363 Reply


      Date of Birth: 01/10/1981… does that mean 1st October or January 10th??? It would help if you were a bit more clear.

      Take care…

    • #136368 Reply


      Its 1st October 1981


    • #136390 Reply


      You were running Maha-Dasha of Saturn/Shani-dev from August 2002 until August 2021. On my part, I’m inclined to think the stressful or problem period started at least a couple of years earlier during peak period of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra.

      Thereafter, you switched to Maha-Dasha of Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha (since August 2021). He is placed in the 2nd house of Wealth Accumulation, along with 2nd and 9th lord Venus/Shukra and 11th lord Moon/Chandra. Incidentally, Mercury/Budha and Moon/Chandra are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swathi Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu activating him. I believe is a trouble maker… whenever he is activated. As are Mars/Kuja and Sun/Ravi.

      By the way, just for academic interests, I wonder if there was anything unconventional, unethical or illegal with your business/operations, that might have contributed to the problems.

      If it is of any consolation, Antara of Venus/Shukra starting second half of December 2024 will kick-start a pretty good Raja Yoga period. But then, there are other negatives that could dilute the benefits.

      In any case, it would make sense for you guys to get your act together and consider seeking help guidance from knowledgeable and experienced folk for suitable remedies, as per your religious faith and belief.

      Take care…

      • #136496 Reply


        When you look back now at the events occurred in the past, I would say yes the problems had started in the middle of 2013 but at that time we were able to manage it to some extent. But it was after 2015 everything started to fall apart because my brother-in-law then implemented some unconventional methods into our management system. Even though I had warned him about the consequences of this, he ignored it and moved forward. By the time he realized the mistake, it was too late and the damage was already done.

        So as per your view we can’t expect improvement in near future.  Anyway thanks for your reply.

        • #136508 Reply


          Please let me/us know who’s birth details have been shared and what is being sought here.

          Take care…

        • #136526 Reply


          Its my birth details that has been shared.  I asked whether there will be improvement in my financial position and of the company in which I am working. My brother in law is the owner of this company but he has gone to India for one year and couldn’t return back due to some issues.  So now I am alone and struggling to cope with the pressure and in keeping the company running.

          You gave the astrological views and asked whether there was anything unconventional in our business which also contributed to the problems, for which I gave you the reply in my previous message.

          In your views you had said that from second half of Dec 2024 there will be some good period but there will be other negatives which will dilute those benefits.  So just wanted to know how long will I have to go through this hard time and will there be any relief in near future.


    • #136549 Reply


      Towards fag end of 2024 is when the Raja Yoga kicks in. It will help you – could have been better though.

      Take care…

    • #145566 Reply


      Since my last message in Sep-23 a lot of terrible things happened in my life my mother got severely sick and when she became critical I tried to go to see her in India. But because of some major complications in my visa here in Oman I couldn’t reach in time and she passed away without seeing me.  After fixing the visa issues I went to India and attended prayers and poojas for her. My family in India also knew about my visa problem.  Earlier I was having mental stress because of our business problems only but now after my mother’s death from my family’s behavior i can feel that they are having some sort of anger against me although they are not saying it directly to me.  I can’t understand any reason for this.

      I know that I am now in Maha-Dasha Mercury/Budha and  Antara of Kethu but can you please tell me are things going to be better after Dec-24.

      • #146027 Reply


        Just so you are aware, Antara of Ketu and his transit have not really been beneficial for you. Antara will end in December 2024… but then, effect of transit will linger on for a few more months (one of the diluting factors). Based on your religious faith/belief, it might not be a bad idea for you to consider propitiating Rahu-Ketu, the Lunar Nodes.

        Take care…

        • #146071 Reply

          Thanks for your message…hoping for the best…

        • #146073 Reply


          Whatever you do (or do not do)… do not lose hope.

          Take care…

        • #146120 Reply

          I had almost lost hope because of several issues coming against me continuously in a short period.  I haven’t mentioned all of them here.  The hardest thing still is to accept is that my beloved mother has gone. But again you have to keep moving for you as well as for others depending on you. So now praying and moving forward with hope.


        • #154211 Reply


          My company is now closed due to financial crisis and I have no job now so leaving to India with my family.  Can you please tell me whether I will get job soon or will be able to open our company.



        • #154339 Reply


          As called out earlier, testing/challenging times will prevail until at least end of October 2024, if not until later part of December 2024. Thereafter could be a bit of let-up.

          That said, I hope you’ve considered appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedies, to address inherent afflictions and past life Karmic burden. To start with, Rahu is not a benefic for the birth-chart. I’m inclined to think he has influenced to indulge in unconventional  / illegal or unethical activities. It would make sense for you to propitiate him.

          Thereafter presence of Saturn/Shani-dev, the 5th lord of Purva-punya alongside Udaya Lagna would have made your life a bit of a grind, with lingering health issues (due to Vayu Dosha). Secondly, he is conjunct Jupiter/Guru-dev… an indication of animal (Cow) Slaughter and/or atrocities against righteous folk (Brahman) to the extent of killing them. Presence of Sun/Ravi had probably triggered your travel overseas… but then, he is also responsible for Vyaya/Losses. Further, presence of Jupiter/Guru-dev owns 2 Kendra-Sthana… the 4th house of Homely Comforts and 7th house of Spousal Relationship. His placement alongside Udaya Lagna calls for validation of the concept called Kendradipathya Dosha. So, all of them need to be propitiated. Kindly consider doing the same, as per your religious faith/belief. Thereafter, with the onset of Raja Yoga, your life could get a breather.

          Take care…

        • #154516 Reply

          Thanks for your message.

    • #145901 Reply
      Amit Kumar

      I am trying to settle in Australia from 2009 but after too much struggle I couldn’t. All visas has rejected. I applied for another PR visa in June 2023 and still waiting, my question is , is there any chance I will get my Australian visa or I will settle in Australia again?


      Please guide me as I know you are well wisher and give accurate  predictions


      Jy details are,   Amit Kumar

      Dob- 23/10/1983,  10:15am

      Birth place- Taraori, District karnal

      Gotra- Kashyap


    • #146827 Reply
      Astrologer Debraj Acharya

      Dear Sanoop,

      I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’ve been facing. Based on the details you’ve provided, we can look at your astrological chart to gain some insights. Given your birth details:

      Date of Birth: January 10, 1981
      Time: 06:15 AM
      Place: Tellicherry, Kerala
      Let’s analyze the planetary positions and major periods (Maha Dasha) affecting your life, particularly focusing on the time after 2015.

      Astrological Analysis
      1. Major Periods (Maha Dasha):

      In Vedic astrology, the major periods (Maha Dashas) can significantly influence your life. For you, it would be beneficial to see which Dasha you were running in 2015 and what you’re currently running.
      2. Current Transits:

      The transits of major planets such as Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu/Ketu can have profound effects on your life.
      Key Observations
      2015 Onwards:

      Around 2015, you might have experienced a shift in your Maha Dasha or a significant planetary transit.
      If Saturn (Shani) moved into a challenging position in your chart, it could lead to hardships in your career and financial stability. Saturn transits can bring about tough lessons and delays but also long-term stability and success after the period of trial.
      Present Period:

      To provide a more specific answer, knowing the exact Maha Dasha you’re currently under would help. For instance, if you’re under Saturn’s Dasha, the challenges might persist until the end of this period. However, post this, there can be relief and improvement.
      Jupiter’s transit can also bring about positive changes, especially if it aspects key houses related to your career and finances.
      Remedies and Recommendations
      1. Strengthening Beneficial Planets:

      Wear gemstones or perform rituals (pujas) associated with beneficial planets in your chart.
      2. Saturn Remedies:

      If Saturn is the challenging planet, consider performing Shani puja or wearing a blue sapphire (after consulting a professional astrologer).
      3. Jupiter’s Blessings:

      Strengthen Jupiter by wearing yellow sapphire or performing Guru puja, as Jupiter can bring wisdom, prosperity, and growth.
      4. Regular Prayers and Mantras:

      Chant mantras for the planets currently influencing you negatively.
      Practice regular prayers and visit temples, especially on days associated with the key planets affecting your chart.
      5. Professional Guidance:

      Consult with a professional Vedic astrologer for a personalized reading and remedies tailored to your chart.
      While astrology can provide insights and potential remedies, it’s important to continue with practical steps such as financial planning, seeking professional advice for your business, and exploring new opportunities.

      I hope this analysis provides some clarity and helps you navigate through these challenging times.

      Best wishes,

      Astrologer Debraj Acharya

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