Divorce prediction

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    • #137574 Reply
      Kritika Mittal

      My name -kritika Mittal, DOB-29/12/1993,time-7:56AM,place-jalandhar,punjab

      Husband name -Varun jindal, place-moga,punjab, time -4:31am, DOB-15/02/1991

      He wants to divorce me. Will it possible

    • #137651 Reply


      To me, it looks like the following factors might have contributed to the current situation…1. you guys have not been blessed with children as yet, 2. both of you seem to have anger/temper issues… more so with the lady, who also seems to have high/strong ego issues, 3. you (lady) seem to have fallen in love with the guy and gotten married, 4. the guy might have appreciated your financial background (he himself may not be from as a good family/background), 5. he is capable and talks nasty when triggered. You are probably quite chirpy yourself, while giving back to you in a sophisticated way and 6. lastly there is a good chance that you might not be living with each other… so, the marriage is probably hanging by a whisker.

      Further, he is in the peak of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra… in the fag end of Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha (who is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation, alongside Ketu). He has started Antara of Rahu. Subsequent Maha-Dasha is that of Saturn/Shani-dev himself. Kalathra-Sthana or 7th house of spousal relationship is caught in a strong Papakartari Yoga and 7th lord is caught in the midst of Kroora Graha. So, married life is not going to easy.

      You are in the midst of 2nd & 3rd lord Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and started Antara of 6th & 11th lord Venus/Shukra (who is not really a benefic) a few months back. You have been through not so pleasant times with Ashtama-Shani or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra until a few months back… while you were running Antara of Ketu. I’m inclined to think things have probably gotten a bit better for you (given Rashi Parivarthana between Venus/Shukra and Jupiter/Guru-dev). But then, 7th & 10th lord Mercury/Budha is subject to Kendradipathya Dosha for being placed alongside Udaya Lagna. To make matters worse he and Mars/Kuja is placed way too close to Sun/Ravi for comfort. They seem to be torched by Sun/Ravi… who engages in a planetary war or Graha Yudha with Mars/Kuja. This makes me wonder about possible animosity between your husband and your father.

      In summary, sustaining or keeping the marriage intact for long will take a lot of patience and effort… which I suspect is lacking.

      Take care…

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