When will I have children and good relationship with my husband?

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    • #147080 Reply

      Hello there!

      I am new to astrology ans been an avid reader of this dynamic topic since a while now.

      Always had a good life, good parents (except they are not good with each other at all), lovely sibling, good career (not able to earn enough money though), good husband and family (but fights with husband).

      I long for a child now.

      Here goes my 3-fold query:

      1. I am pursuing my PhD, my guide is not very helpful and belittles me mostly. I don’t feel confident presenting in front of him. However I have realised I am definitely knowledgeable. How to overcome this and when will I finish my PhD?

      2. My marriage was a love marriage. We are good with each other but many many fights. We have shadashtak: I-kumbha moon, husband virgo moon. Please advise how to be good with each other?

      3. I always wanted kids, but it seems my efforts are going in vain. I feel really hopeless! Can someone guide me for this?


      DOB: 18th July 1992

      TOB: 07:50 am

      POB: Thane, Maharashtra, India


      thank you!

    • #147184 Reply


      Your birth-details indeed place Moon/Chandra in Aquarius/Kumbha Rashi. So, you are in the midst of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, please do factor-in un-due stress/tension on an ill-placed Lagna Lord  – Chandra in the 8th house (Ashtama-Chandra) of Randra-Sthana. Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea for you realize half (if not more) of problem is in your mind.

      Secondly, Sun/Ravi the 2nd lord of Family Expansion and Wealth Accumulation seems to be placed alongside Udaya Lagna. He has below par Vimsopaka Bala (in Dasha Varga) and Mars/Kuja (a Yogakaraka) is placed in Badhaka-Sthana and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi… contributing to some weakness and delay. But then, I’m inclined to think it is not a case of denial. It would perhaps help if you are able to calm your mind, control your emotions, worry less and be a lot more patient.

      Further, it would make sense to check your husband’s birth-chart for validating collective Karma. In the interim, it may not be a bad idea for you to consider chanting some simple mantras to appease Saturn/Shani-dev and chant Santana Gopala mantra.

      Take care…

      • #148137 Reply

        Hi Buddy,

        thank you so much for your reply.
        I was not expecting a reply so randomly checked today.

        Thank you for your detailed answer!  I will try to incorporate your suggestions in myself!

        Below are my husband’s details:

        date: 16th jan 1990, place: Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra

        Best regards,


      • #148138 Reply

        Below are my husband’s details:

        date: 16th jan 1990,

        time: 6:30 AM

        place: Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra

        Best regards,


    • #148366 Reply


      At the outset, I’d like to draw your attention to the presence and conjunction of Sun/Ravi, Venus/Shukra and Rahu in the 2nd of Wealth and Family Expansion. This is forming a strong Pitru Dosha – something that would affect multiple aspect in an individual’s life. To make matters worse, he seems to have limited Yogas for parental pleasure, with Mars/Kuja, the 5th lord of Progeny/Procreativity being placed strongly in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses…. wonder if you guys are having fights/arguments on the bed or in the bedroom, instead of bed-pleasure.

      Incidentally, Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev is placed in the 7th house and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by current Maha-Dasha lord Rahu… who is not really a benefic.

      Given the situation, please let me/us know if you guys have considered seeking medical help/guidance. If yes, what was diagnosed/suggested? If not done already, it might not be a bad idea for you guys to consider doing same, at your earliest convenience. It would also make sense for him to consider seeking help/guidance from knowledgeable and experienced folk for Vedic/Dharmic remedies to address Pitru Dosha and propitiation of Rahu.

      Take care…

      • #148372 Reply

        Hi buddy!

        thank you for your reply!

        I would like to let you know that his mother died due to heart problem when he was in 10th class. After that there was not any presence of a lady in the house until I married to him. His father considered remarrying but didn’t take place.

        Regarding pitru dosha, he fights with his father on all sorts of topics. His father has suffered a lot , lost his wife, parents & brother. But both of them fight a lot, rather have contrasting opinions for which I have to be the mediator.

        We have done vidhis like Tarpan for his mom, grand mom & great grand mom. & also graha shanti of his.


        Regarding fights, we have had fights in bedroom, outside bedroom, on trips and so on.
        we were taking help of a doctor for progeny. But haven’t done tests. He is scared to find what will happen.

        Also, he is very finicky about money matters, gets triggered sometimes!

        please provide some guidance as what should we do


        Thank you!

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