Marriage issues and divorce if necessary

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    • #154049 Reply

      I am a male, My DOB is 13th Sep 1977, time 6.45 AM (morning), place Agra Uttar Pradesh. My wife’s DOB 19th August 1978m time 16.50 PM (evening), place Agra Uttar Pradesh,

      I want to divorce my wife. We dont have any common things. always fighting on small issues. She also dont take care of me anymore. I don’t want to discuss many other things over here.

      Could you please check my charts and advise is there any divorce possible soon and if yes, when it will happen?

    • #154114 Reply
      JVS Rao


      The present period is Rahu (self efforts, 1st house)dasa Mars (3rd house – communication, bickerings etc and 8th house- tensions) bhukti and Mars is in 10th house (social status). Mars is in the star of Rahu in 1st house. Mars is conjoined with Jupiter (lord of 4th (kith and kins) and 7th (wife) To blend this we get that you are  suffering from tensions and communication disturbances between you and your wife caused by some of your relatives. Your social status may be affected.

      From your chart the 7th house (wife) is occupied by Ketu (planet of detachment). 7th cusp sub lord Saturn is in  the star of Ketu and sub of Ketu. Ketu is in Mercury star and Mercury is in 12th house. She likes to have worldly pleasures and even though she has, she will not get satisfied easily.

      Present period ends on 05-1-2025. Bhukti lord Mars is in 10th house. Mars is in the star of Rahu in 1st house and sub of Mercury in 12th house. But Mercury is in the star of Venus in 11th house. So Mars bhukti will not give you separation. Jupiter period starts on 05-1-2025 and ends on 05-01-2041. In this period your desire will be fulfilled. Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury bhukti ends on 13-12-2031. These 3rd bhuktis are not favourable to unite you both and separation would be there. Please pray to you family deity.

      God bless you

      JVS Rao


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