7th lord combust retrograde conjunct with the 6th lord

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    • #155407 Reply


      7th lord Mercury is combust and retrograde, conjunct with the 6th lord Sun, and placed in the 11th house. Is this bad for married life?

      DOB: 08/02/1995
      TOB: 9:15 AM

    • #155458 Reply

      Place of birth – Patna, Bihar

    • #155489 Reply


      In my humble opinion, Ketu’s influence over Venus/Shukra (they participate in Sukshma Parivarthana, at Nakshatra level) and Mars/Kuja (who is placed in deep Gandanta degrees) is more of a cause for concern… as is the case with uncontrollable anger/temper issues, whenever you get triggered.

      Mercury/Budha is not really combust in your birth-chart (I’ve considered 8th February as your birth-day). He is Vakra or Retrograde and loosely conjunct 6th lord Sun/Ravi, possibly making you susceptible to Evil Eye and Envy.

      On the sidelines, 7th house being caught between Rahu and Mars/Kuha, 2 Krura Grahas could be a cause for concern. Do let me/us know if you are married. If not, kindly consider exercising caution.

      Take care…

      • #155501 Reply

        Inspite of all the evils mentioned, I feel the strong Navamsa Lagna indicates a Will to marry and perhaps marry a friend with whom the native is familiar. Dasa lord Rahu is in the 7th bhava in the bhava chart (I am using Lagna point as the start of the 1st bhava) and the antardasa lord Mercury is the 7th lord. With Saturn in the 4th(sukha sthana) in the Navamsa chart, it will take efforts to keep the married life happy.

    • #155950 Reply

      @Buddy @T K CHANDRASHEKHAR Thank you for your reply! No, I haven’t married yet. I have a question: Doesn’t Mars move to the 5th house in the bhav chalit chart, since the degree difference between the lagna and Mars is more than 15 degrees? In this case, will it still be considered the 7th house, being caught between Rahu and Mars?

    • #155992 Reply
      T K C


      Most yogas and aspects are seen only in the Rasi chart and not in the bhava chart. In your case the papakartari yoga is reduced in maleficness since Mars is retro and moving away from the 7th sign. Rahu is the only planet moving towards it. If Mars were not retrograde, the effect of this yoga would have been stronger.

    • #156041 Reply


      Thanks for confirming my understanding of your marital status. In my humble opinion, the Papakartari Yoga is pretty strong (any house/Rasi being flanked on both sides by a malefic is under stress and I’d prefer to keep things simple)… would have been stronger if both malefics (Krura Graha) were converging.

      Take care…

    • #156153 Reply

      Got it, thanks @Buddy and @T K Chandrashekhar. I’m currently in the Mercury anterdasa(my 7th lord). Are there any chances of getting married during this period, or do you foresee further delays?

    • #156170 Reply
      JVS Rao


      I have read the analysis in the vedic system. I express my views in KP system.

      Your 7th cusp (marriage) sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is in 11th house in the star of Moon (lord of 5th) in 2nd house. Mercury is in the sub of Saturn in 12th house. Saturn is signifying 7th house through his star lord Rahu in 7th house. So Mercury is signifying 11th, 2nd houses and 12th house & 7th house through his sub lord. 2nd, 7th and 11th houses are needed to give marriage. Here 12th house also supports marriage through the sub lord. Hence marriage is promised in Mercury bhukti.

      Dasa lord Rahu is in his own star in 7th house and sub of Venus in 9th house.  Rahu is aspected by Saturn who is the significator of 2,7,11 houses. So Rahu promises marriage with some delays.

      Saturn, Moon connection gives delays and postponements. Saturn is in the star of Rahu and sub of Moon. There would be delay. Saturn will not allow other planets to give the results. He has to give.

      So you will get married in Saturn antara which is from 06-11-2025 to 03-4-2026. There are feeble chances in Rahu antara and Jupiter antara also. As the transits agree in the above period, I have taken Saturn period.

      Note: In KP method, Occupant of a star is stronger than the planet. Even though Jupiter is in 8th house, it is stronger than Mercury (7th sign lord), as Jupiter occupied Mercury star. Like wise all the planets work by its occupancy in a star.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)



    • #156171 Reply
      T K C

      @ Manish,

      As per the chart I have you are in the dasa of Rahu and the antara of Mercury. There is no problem for marriage now. My guess is that you are already in a romantic association…..?

    • #156238 Reply

      @JVS Rao, thank you for your reply. @TKC, I am not currently in a romantic relationship, but there is an ongoing discussion about an arranged marriage, and the girl is from a nearby area.

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