Why is this website called AstrologyMag.com ?
This certainly is not an easy question to answer because we have moved ahead to the times of smartphones and tablets. Magazines have always been reinvented time and again to serve different time and users. The word Magazine is derived from the Arabic word “Makhazin” which means collection of somehow related stuff all bundled together. AstrologyMag is an Online Magazine on the subject of Astrology and Various other occult fields. It has great reading articles and Astrology forum.
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Do you have knowledge and Interest in Indian astrology or any other occult science, is the only thing that we require. You can join and share your knowledge by participating through Articles and online forum. Your contribution will be highlighted and you will be given full recognition for your efforts. For more details you can use the contact form to write to us about your interest in joining our team.
I am Acharyaa Meenakshi from Gurgaon. I am interested to join your firm. Please mail me full job desription.
Thanks and Regards,
Acharyaa Meenakshi
Greetings of the day.
I am astrologer Vijay Goel and am interested to join this magazine. I am official consultant to some big groups in Jaipur.
Vijay Goel
mob : 8003004666
email : askme@vijaygoel.net
श्री राधे
ज्योतिष आचार्या पं विकास शास्त्री
मैं श्री लाल बहादुर राष्ट्रिया संस्कृत विद्यापीठ
(देल्ही) से फलित ज्योतिष विशेय से आचार्या कर रहा हु।
तथा चाहता हु के हम अपने भारत वर्ष की संस्कृति और संस्कारो को भारत वर्ष से लुप्त ना होने दे ।
हमारे भारत वर्ष का महत्वपुर धरोहर हमारी भारतीय ज्योतिष है। ये हमारे भारत वर्ष का गौरव है।
चाहता हु की हम लोग मिल कर अपने भारत वर्ष के लिए कुछ करे आपका सयोग चाहूँगा।
आशा करता हु आप मुझसे अवश्य संपर्क करेंगे
संपर्क सूत्र 8010002734
Sir mera dob h 08 July 1992 h time 12:37 h .me janna chahti Hu me kya manglik Hu. Or agar Hu to mri shadi kb hogi
Namaste Guruji,
I need your suggestions for the match of my kundli with the girl’s kundli i am going to engage soon.
My dob – 7th March 1984, Time- 3PM, place- New Delhi.
Girl dob – 26th May 1986, Time- 10:42PM, place- Gangapur(Rajasthan)
she is saying she is manglik, and i am non manglik, so please let me know how will be our understanding and marriage life, and how to resolve mangal dosh in her kundli. and how is our match.
Thanks in Advance Guru ji.
My sons marriage delaying the details as Name:Saikumar,dob:16.9.1986, time:11.35pm @Bangalore
Sun in 4 leo, mer&ketu in 5 virgo, venus in 6 tula,
Saturn in 7 scorpio, mars in 8 dhanasu , jup & moon in 10 aquaris.please inform when the marriage will happen.
Namaste guruji,
birth date 25 sept 1984
birth time 9.36pm(dst+1)
birth place uk london
all prediction about career and marriage wealth not working out as predicted.. also some convienced me im having 6 7 yoga bt all in vain or im nt interpreting correctly. kindly do the needful n gv guidance.
i want to know about my career when will it start?? as i am going to complete Pharm.D,and applying in different pharmaceutical industries,,and also want to know about my marriage time????
my DOB:15-july-1991
POB:punjab faisalabad
Sidra khalid
Hii this is ankita my date of birth 28 dec 1988 time -8:05 am mumbai my marraige is getting delay
Hi Ankita Please Post in the Astrology Forum we would love to help you and guide you astrologically.
Navneet Khanna
I need your suggestion for matching of my daughter Dob .. 4–7-1990 time 15..05 pm place Jammu
Boy Dob 2-9-1986 time 10.30 Am place kashmir
Am worried is my daughter manglik
Have matched on astrogian cannot understand.
Pl help
My dob is 3rd November 1971 time 11.10pm place.Hubli Karnataka and my husband 22nd April 1966 time 6.10 pm place. Karkala Karnataka. What problem Do we have in our horoscope? We lost everything .
jai ram ji ki.I’m pandit from Mauritius .My son is high manglik and girl low manglik..please give suggestion and solution.
Marriage between high mangalik and low mangalik can be considered. Also the Guna milan is 26 out of 36, which is good.
Navneet Khanna
Vedic Astrologer
hello Sir ,
Have little background of astrology My sons DOB : 22/12/79, TOB : 00.51.00/ place mumbai very ( strong kundli) gals detail DOB : 15/12/79 ,TOB: 14:55:00 (not strong) also feel have nadi dosh will this marriage last.
Nadi dosha is never good. It means health and progeny issues. Check Nadi dosha cancellation.
Navneet Khanna