Best Astrologer in India for Astrology consultation

best astrologer in India

Astrologer Navneet Khanna is considered as one of the top and best Astrologer in India. He lives in Panchkula, Chandigarh. He is an expert Astrologer on many Indian & Foreign Websites and a frequent writer for many national and international websites and magazines.

Astrologer Navneet Khanna is an expert Astrologer on relationships, marriage matching or Kundli milan, career horoscope, foreign settlement, finance besides many other things.

He is highly logical in his predictions and that is why he has a strong client base in USA, UK, Australia and Canada, besides many cities in India, including Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Punjab and Chandigarh. With his vast experience in Vedic Astrology he is associated with leading astrologers in India and abroad to promote the use of Vedic Astrology.

Astrologer Navneet Khanna believes that Vedic Astrology is a vast subject, it is an ocean of knowledge and wisdom. It is simply up to the individual to jump into the ocean and extract the pearls.

You may contact him for his paid services. For Paid Services visit the PAID REPORTS  from the menu above.  

NOTE: All paid reports are written by Astrologer Navneet Khanna himself and include free Phone Consultation. If you wish to speak with Astrologer Navneet Khanna you may contact him on his number +91-9417884861



Astrologer Navneet Khanna
House No 1636, Sector 4
Panchkula – Chandigarh
Haryana 134112

Cell: 0091-9417884861

Skype: navneetastrologer

Whatsapp  : +91-9417884861


111 thoughts on “Best Astrologer in India for Astrology consultation

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