Have a look at the following :
Planet Res.
Strength Good % Bad% Nature
Sun 53.73 15.77 73.97 Malefic
Moon 80.75 37.97 62.03 Malefic
Mars 28.47 22.45 47.19 Malefic
Mercury 11.15 34.07 53.47 Malefic
Jupiter 14.66 85.43 13.33 Benefic
Venus 55.14 57.53 29.89 Benefic
Saturn 22.99 39.68 39.81 Malefic
Rahu 85.69 39.68 39.81 Malefic
Kethu 85.69 37.97 62.03 Malefic
Net 48.70
Most of the planets except Jupiter and Venus are malefics (planets more inclined to do harm than good).
Your career house has a potency of only 39.84% strength while overall health and personality has a strength 55.33%.
You can look forward to some improvement from 2016 onwards.