Can she become an IAS/IFS officer?

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    • #138179 Reply

      Hi, my daughter was born on 1st october 2005 at 10:12 am in varanasi. Can she become an IAS/IFS officer? Also can you give me a brief idea about her married life, just an idea if everything would be fine. Thank you

    • #138218 Reply

      navneet ji pls help

    • #138324 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      career chart

      Her Lagan is Scorpio and rashi is Leo. Moon mahadasha is going on and antardasha of Moon till 11 Jan 2024 then she enters the antardasha of Mars till August 2024. As per your chart she has a good career, 9th lord or bhagesh moon is in the 10th house and 10th lord Sun is in the 11th house of gains. The not so good thing is Sun is with Ketu which should bring career challenges but overall she has a good career. As per my analysis, she has a good foreign connection in her chart and she could be working in a MNC or even abroad. Regarding marriage, Venus rules the 7th house of marriage. She has a weak Jupiter, marriage can get delayed. Overall should be a good marriage provided you do a proper matching of the charts before marriage.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer




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