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    • #146672 Reply
      Sudheshna Oruganti


      Time of birth=08:32am

      Place of birth= Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

      I’m having trouble finding myself a suitable life partner. How will my future husband look. I really liked one boy, but he’ s now moved on with another girl. I’m confused and I have confused everyone around me. I have a nice personality, I’m caring, fun and look fine, but don’t seem to be able to have a romantic conversation with any boy.

      I’m also quite confused about my career. I want to pursue cinema as a writer, but don’t know how. I’m currently working overseas as a pharmacist, and don’t see this career as fulfilling, although I’m good at my job. Please help me find a way to achieve my goal in cinema. How can I overcome my limitations and my dual personality?Sometimes I say cinema, sometimes I say pharmacy.

      Please help me shape my future!!!!!

    • #147419 Reply
      Sudheshna Oruganti


      Time of birth=08:32am

      Place of birth= Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

      I’m having trouble finding myself a suitable life partner. How will my future husband look. I really liked one boy, but he’ s now moved on with another girl. I’m confused and I have confused everyone around me. I have a nice personality, I’m caring, fun and look fine, but don’t seem to be able to have a romantic conversation with any boy.

      I’m also quite confused about my career. I want to pursue cinema as a writer, but don’t know how. I’m currently working overseas as a pharmacist, and don’t see this career as fulfilling, although I’m good at my job. Please help me find a way to achieve my goal in cinema. How can I overcome my limitations and my dual personality?Sometimes I say cinema, sometimes I say pharmacy.

      Please help me shape my future!!!!!

      • #147513 Reply


        There are good chances  your birth-time might have been altered. Please double check and let me/us know if the birth-time posted in your query is accurate.

        Take care…

        • #147574 Reply
          Sudheshna Oruganti

          Dear Buddy,

          Not sure if you’re asking me or the other girl in the forum. My mother was confused my birthtime was either 8:32am or 8:52am. My birth records have 8.52am, but my Mum thought she heard the nurse say 8.32am.

          Hope this helps.

          DOB= 04/04/1996

          Place of birth= Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

    • #147471 Reply

      Born on October 8th, 2006 at 10:05 PM (22:05) in Baytown, Texas.


      what’s the best career for me? what career will i be the most successful in? what does my love life look like & will i get married? will i be wealthy?

    • #147474 Reply

      ^ i’m a girl btw

    • #147867 Reply
      Sudheshna Oruganti


      My mother was confused my birthtime was either 8:32am or 8:52am. My birth records have 8.52am, but my Mum thought she heard the nurse say 8.32am.

      Hope this helps.

      DOB= 04/04/1996

      Place of birth= Guntur, Andhra Pradesh


      Time of birth=08:32am

      Place of birth= Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

      I’m having trouble finding myself a suitable life partner. How will my future husband look. I really liked one boy, but he’ s now moved on with another girl. I’m confused and I have confused everyone around me. I have a nice personality, I’m caring, fun and look fine, but don’t seem to be able to have a romantic conversation with any boy.

      I’m also quite confused about my career. I want to pursue cinema as a writer, but don’t know how. I’m currently working overseas as a pharmacist, and don’t see this career as fulfilling, although I’m good at my job. Please help me find a way to achieve my goal in cinema. How can I overcome my limitations and my dual personality? Sometimes I say cinema, sometimes I say pharmacy.

      Please help me shape my future!!!!!

    • #147917 Reply


      At the outset, I’d request you to kindly bear with me and feel free to ignore anything in this post, that is not to your taste or liking. You are more than welcome to seek as many alternate opinions as you like…

      Given birth-time places Udaya Lagna in Taurus/Vrishaba Rashi and Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra is placed alongside… making you good looking. Presence of low-profile miscreants Maandi and Gulika though dampens the strength.

      Conglomeration of celestials (including 2nd & 5th lord Mercury/Budha, placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation, 4th lord Sun/Ravi, 7th & 12th lord Mars/Kuja and Yogakaraka Saturn/Shani-dev) have created some good Raja Yogas. But then, all of them being caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis or close conjunction of Moon/Chandra and Rahu is not really preferred. Saturn/Shani-dev aspecting Lagna, Lagna Lord, Moon/Chandra, and his influence on 7th lord Mars/Kuja has contributed to delay in marriage.

      You’ve started Maha-Dasha of  8th & 11th lord Jupiter/Guru-dev from early 2022 (activating the 11th house and celestials placed there) , after a roller-coaster Rahu Maha-Dasha.

      Further, it looks like you have severe anger problems… to the extent of being a completely different person (a kind of dual personality), when you lose your composure. This nature does not help make/sustain relationships – either personal or at work and more so in a open/liberal culture environment. So, things seem to and could very well tend towards denial… although there is an outside chance (but sustaining and having a healthy relationship is suspect).

      As for your career aspiration – that of being a writer… I’m left wondering what might be prompting you to consider that, beyond the fantasy that was perhaps induced during Rahu Maha-Dasha. I wonder because Mercury/Budha the Karaka is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation and 3rd lord of Communication is badly afflicted. So, I’d suggest that you think through.

      Take care…

      • #147948 Reply
        Sudheshna Oruganti

        Thanks for the rather bitter-sweet response to my questions.

        Is there anything else you would suggest I focus on in my career and marriage? Any remedies? Or alternative solutions?

        I do enjoy writing very much, but I’m an excellent performer too, so often think of myself more of an actor than a writer, but have no sorrow in pursuing writing. I aspire to succeed in life and make a huge difference in the world, but struggle with a lack of clarity and duality.

        I’m not going to ask whether I will succeed in my endeavours or not, because that’s an answer no one can give me, and I do not wish to be demotivated in my quest before I’ve even begun.

        But I would like your help in getting better clarity of my future- I cannot stop if writing isn’t my calling. What else could it be?

        Am I doing something wrong, that needs fixing? I wear a turquoise and ruby ring to assist me with positive thoughts.

        Kind regards,



        (Bithplace= Guntur, Andhra Pradesh)

        (Time of Birth=8:32am/8:52am)

      • #148143 Reply

        Hey Buddy

        Can you help me with this post. I liked your clarity a lot – hence cross posting here. Kind request.

        Post link: Job Issues And Finances (



    • #147960 Reply


      Astrology is neither a Passion nor Profession for me. I believe my Karma is driving me to do whatever I’m doing here and I sincerely hope I’m doing my best to get rid of my Karmic debt/burden. So, I’ll not sugar coat and try to make folk feel good… instead, I’ll try my best to show the mirror and hopefully in the right light.

      As called out earlier, your Lagna Lord (assuming your birth time is as stated) Venus/Shukra is strongly placed in his Swasthana and alongside Udaya Lagna in Taurus/Vrishaba Rashi… probably making you look good/attractive and artistically talented. So, acting/drama etc., makes more sense than writing… just an opinion, based on my understanding of your birth-chart. But then, if writing is your passion (and if you enjoy it), then who I am and what can stop you from trying your luck.

      If I were to take the liberty, I’d suggest that you seriously consider practicing Yogasana/Pranayama/Meditation etc., to keep your mind calm and learn not to lose your composure. If you can do that and completely control your anger (whatever it takes), you will be doing yourself a bit favor.

      And lastly, I’ll be very happy if you (or anybody else) were to prove my understanding to be wrong… specially about the bitter or not so sweet ones.

      Take care…


      • #147967 Reply
        Sudheshna Oruganti

        Thankyou for the honest advice buddy.

        One last question. I’m a pharmacist (in the profession of science), do you think that’s fine for me to pursue as well? Or possibly an MBA in marketing, as I feel I enjoy a logical and analytical activities, which was why I enjoyed writing in the first place.

        Please let me know what you think. I don’t think the current job I’m doing, a service based job as a pharmacist in a hospital is my calling. I don’t feel challenged and my creative mind is trapped.

        And regarding marriage- will the period of Shani end soon?



    • #147973 Reply


      I’m inclined to agree about your logical thinking and analytical abilities. Your birth-chart indicates as much. You would perhaps do well in research and development areas (you may not enjoy simple dispensing kind of work). The excess or overflowing energy would also make you good at physical/endurance/competitive activities – including dancing, distance running/cycling, boxing/wrestling  and other such.

      As per Vimsottari Dasha system,  Maha-Dasha of Jupiter/Guru-dev started in early 2022 and will last until 2038… as per given birth-time, he is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana or house of Trying/Testing/Challenging times. It is conducive for research related work. Current Antra of Saturn/Shani-dev (is a Yoga-Karaka) started in February 2024 and will last until September 2026. Incidentally, Jupiter/Guru-dev is currently transiting in Taurus/Vrishaba Rashi.

      Take care…

    • #147977 Reply
      Sudheshna Oruganti

      Thanks for the clarity, buddy.



    • #148083 Reply

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My birthday 1987 january 7</p>
      Time   5:40 pm

      Place   Sri lanka ,chilaw



      I wont to know about my marriage .

      According to this horoscope, will there be a marriage here, or not? If it happens, can you tell about the time of marriage?


    • #148089 Reply


      There seem to be too many afflictions as per given birth-details and at the outset, things seem to tending towards denial. Kindly provide some background to help set the context and help revalidate.

      Take care…

    • #148139 Reply
      LL kumar

    • #148140 Reply
      LL kumar

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