Career change

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    • #123142 Reply

      2nd April 1984
      11.45 am

      I am in present job still 2012 November in my present company I have more work load due to shortage of employees and people are leaving due to worst behavior of my boss. I am seeing for a government job or some good company when I will get good job whether in new job I will work up to my retirement age

    • #123144 Reply

      The present period is Moon dasa – Rahu bhukti upto 05-05-2023. Rahu is connected to your 12th house (house of exertion/overwork). So you have to face expenditure and unnecessary tensions in your job. As Rahu is transiting in Venus star, your ideas will always be to change the job. I hope there would be a change from 21-10-2022. Whereever you go the situation is same until 05-05-2023.
      In Jupiter Bhukti you will find a change of job better than the present one. It is upto 03-09-2024. Saturn bhukti is also more or less the same. After 2030 you will get a secured job.
      Your life upto retirement will be better than that of present.
      Good Luck

    • #123148 Reply

      Sir please tell clearly when change of job whether government job when change of job

    • #123229 Reply

      Hello Rakewh,

      You can look for new job now. However, don’t leave your present job before getting another one. You will get into a good company but still you need to compromise to certain extent.

      Any one can get PAID consultation from me.

      Thank and Regards,

    • #123310 Reply

      Ok sir when I will get new job please tell

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