My name is Tanuja and my birth details are as:- dob- 19-09-1994,time – 06:00 Am and I want to know is there any yoga by which could I clear my judicial services exams ? And when I could get success ?
Your career house is very weak with Venus and Jupiter having no strength at all. It is doubtful that you will succeed in any career whatsoever. Perhaps you can change residence to a far off place to take advantage of transit horoscopes.
Pranam sir ,
Sorry for My mistake but I am correcting here my dob which was mistaken by typing dob:- 10-09-1994
Tenth September 1994
Time :- 6:00 Am
Please evaluate the correct one and do the needful again sorry for not knowingly error and Thanku so much sir 🙏🏻🙏🏻I am eagerly waiting 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanku sir for your sincere help , what about my life changing years phase I am going through a lot of struggles when and in which year period will come of giving results .