Career job change

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    • #147213 Reply
      Supriya Sharma

      I am having issues with my job. Do I start looking for a new job or stay in current? When is good time to look for a new job

      DOB – 23-09-1977

      Time – 20:40

      Place – New Delhi, india

      Please help

    • #147237 Reply
      Supriya Sharma

      Please can someone respond

      Buddy please respond

    • #147238 Reply
      Supriya Sharma

      ,@buddy please if you can help here

      Much appreciated

    • #147264 Reply


      Given birth details place Udaya Lagna in Aries/Mesha Rashi and Saturn/Shani-dev, the 10th lord of Karma-Sthana is placed in Leo/Shimha Rashi and posited close to deep Gandanta degrees in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. So, I’m inclined to think there has been limited growth in career.

      Incidentally, Venus/Shukra is placed close by (would appreciate if you could kindly provide some insight into your marital status and spousal relationship).

      Moon/Chandra in Capricorn/Makara Rashi. So, you are currently in the fag end of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra, given an impression that the last few years might have been a bit stressful and challenging. Further, transits of Rahu-Ketu across natal placement of Ketu-Rahu has probably adding fuel to fire. On the sidelines, Moon/Chandra seems to be adrift in the middle of nowhere. The wavery celestial does not have any support on either side of the flanks, making your mind run wild and wander aimlessly. This has made you a bit of a loner, with very few friends and limited or no social life. It would perhaps make sense for you to consider calming yourself, control your mind and build more focus.

      In my humble understanding, Sun/Ravi being conjunct Rahu and 9th lord Jupiter/Guru-dev being posited in Ardra Nakshara, ruled by Rahu would be an indication of Pitru Dosha. Please consider appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedies.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Saturn/Shani-dev and Antara of Mercury/Budha. Subsequent Antara is that of Ketu. So, the suggestion is for you to calm yourself, be patient and consider propitiating Saturn/Shani-dev.

      Take care…

    • #147287 Reply
      Supriya Sharma

      Thanks buddy your analysis is spot on. Thanks for the detailed analysis

      About marriage and spouse relationship – I am single. Marriage never happened.


    • #147357 Reply


      Pitru Dosha is supposed to be associated with Karmic debt of your ancestors, involving their past misdeeds, an indication of unsettled souls, or wrong actions in their lives. Please consider a quick/simple Google search, to get some understanding of Pitru Dosha.

      If my understanding is right, this has been affecting multiple aspects of your life – including marriage, quality of and success in life, career growth, accomplishments etc. So, you would be better off addressing the same with appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedial measures, on priority basis.

      Take care…

      • #147402 Reply
        Supriya Sharma

        Thanks @buddy for the insights. Much apprecaiated

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