You are indeed in the fag end of Ketu Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). Upcoming Maha-Dasha is that of 6th & 11th lord Venus/Shukra, who is not really a benefic for the birth-chart. He is placed in the 8th house of Unearned Income and hence Viparita Raja Yoga. Incidentally, he activates 7th & 10th lord Mercury/Budha…which is a positive. But then, he also activates Rashi Parivarthana 5th & 12th lord Mars/Kuja and their depositor Moon/Chandra. Given the situation, it may not be a bad idea to consider higher-studies in a distant land (overseas).
That said, your birth-chart seems to reflect a strong Pitru Dosha – something that will be adversely affecting multiple facets of your life, including job/career. Kindly consider seeking help and guidance from experienced and knowledgeable fold for suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies.
Take care…