Child speech delay

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    • #130583 Reply

      My son is 2.5 years old. He hasn’t started speaking yet. Not even a single word. He might be having autism. Can you please check his kundli and tell us when will he start speaking
      Birth details
      July 1st 2020
      Place – Saskatoon Canada

    • #130605 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per the horoscope of the child, his lagan is Sagittarius, Moon is deep debilitation as in Anuradha nakshatra. Ketu in lagan. Saturn is in the 2nd house. There is a strong possibility that he will take time and speak as Saturn shows slow results. Also as Saturn is the planet of obstacles, and Ketu is in the 1st house and debilitated Moon, there is a possibility of mild autism. So a medical help and therapy will be needed.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #138353 Reply

      He is taking therapies but I do not see improvements. Can you please tell me when can I expect some progress?
      Worried about his future. Will he do well in his life?

    • #138361 Reply


      As per my settings, I get Udaya Lagna or Ascendent to be placed in the Zodiac sign of Scorpio or Vrischika Rashi. Hopefully, I’ve not goofed up using the input information.

      In case my observation is right, I’m inclined to think the delay is due to the strong influence of powerfully placed Ketu (who incidentally has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga) in the second house of Speech. Jupiter/Guru-dev, the 2nd lord is placed in his Swasthana in the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Dhanur Rashi. He is Vakra or Retrograde and caught between a strong and powerfully placed Saturn/Shani-dev (both posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttarashada Nakshatra) the 3rd lord of communication (who is also Vakra or Retrograde) and Ketu.

      Moon/Chandra is the 9th lord. He is placed alongside Udaya Lagna in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Anuradha Nakshatra, ruled by Saturn/Shani-dev. So, the child has started his life in Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and Antara of Ketu. Currently he is in the midst of well placed 7th & 12th lord (of Hospitalization or Medical Expenses) Venus/Shukra’s Antara. So, I’m inclined to think there has been some improvements along with medical expenses.

      Although placement of Jupiter/Guru-dev in the 2nd house calls for validation of the concept of Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya, I’m inclined to think CoViD-19 pandemic induced limited interaction and social life has also contributed to speech being delayed and hopefully, not completely denied.

      In any case, it might not be a bad idea to consider propitiating Maha-Dasha lord Saturn/Shani-dev and Ketu, with special prayers/mantras or other Vedic/Dharmic rituals.

      Take care…

    • #138367 Reply

      I consulted 2-3 astrologers and all told me he has sagittarius ascendent. But they could not tell anything about speech delay and autism. All of them said that he will talk but nothing more than that.

      can you please provide info on when will he show some positive changes and would he do well in his life?

    • #138375 Reply

      When you were pregnant with him, you must have been going mentally up and down due to which your emotions completely dried up the reason was work and child father, you had to work a lot daily though because you interacting and talking with everyone, especially a lady foreign to you. You must have watched and supported by commenting on anti-government channels and ideology and also must have watched a series about a political revolution to protect the country.

      Also during your education, you were always the first one who used to raise her voice against the teachers and create rumors about them. And challenge their authority. Though your family always tried to save you. And you must have failed in your one time, though hid it from everyone and hung your marks on the mark sheet. And you were recognized for cheating back in the school though you used to show as if you passed with your efforts. But as you grow up things change.

      One time you must have been played during school for something you didn’t do and people made jokes about you because of it but a higher-up intervened and advised and saved you. And you have a habit of storing everything in your bedroom, you treat it as a store, especially old heavy items are stored and there was this one time where you these old equipments to someone as you didn’t need them but you ended up needing them after so started not giving out things.

      Also in your family, there is an engineer who left home to study further after a break and there is one surgeon very knowledgeable about the shoulder area.


    • #138377 Reply

      Not true and I am looking for a solution for my kid. If you can’t provide that then please do not reply

      • #138378 Reply

        Navneet Khanna – Can you please help/guide me? really worried about my kid

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