Tagged: Kaal Sarp Dosha, Sadesatti
- This topic has 21 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 8 months ago by
Rajveer Singh
GuestDear Sir,
I am very much confused about my career and financial conditions in future. Please guide me little bit as i am very much depressed. Please also see, if their is any kal sarap dosh. I want to know in which field am I going to be settled.
My details are as mentioned below -:
Rajveer Singh
05.05 AM
Chandigarh. -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear Shri Rajveer Ji,
First of all there is no Kaalsarp dosha in your horoscope, so there is nothing to worry on this front at all.
Your 10th house of Career is ruled by SUN, which is debilitated in the Navamsa chart. Uncertainly and difficulty in this period related to finance and job will be there. Efforts will not bring desired results and gains will less than expected. You are presently in the mahadasha of Ketu and antar dasha of Saturn, till March 2014. Soe improvement in your career will be there after March 2014. However you should know that you are in the period of Saturns Sadesatti and the period will require you to work hard and be focused. Saturn being the planet of discipline and determination will give goof rewards if you follow those principles in your life. You will be well settled in your career in the 30th year of birth.
Doing the below remedies will bring you enormous gains.
1. Keep fast on Mondays.
2. Recite Mantra OM Namaha Shivaye 108 times daily.
3. Take few drops of Honey in the morning everyday before you leave for work.God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Rajveer Singh
GuestDear Mr. Naveen ji,
I am really obliged by your quick and accurate services.
Thanks for clearing the confusion of Kal sarap dosh. I would like to request
you to please also tell me about my career field and my financial conditions in future. Will it be good for me post March 2014.Regards,
Rajveer Singh.
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterThe period in 2014 will be much better than what you are facing at the moment. Remember that you are in the period of Saturn Sade satti , which is the period of Saturn transit over your Natal moon. This is indeed a difficult times and the recipe for success is decipline, determination and self introsception. dicipline in your work, determination to succeed and introspection of where things need improvemnt are the qualities of Saturn and the same should be done to bring about changes in your life. Overall I see you doing very well eventually, however adopting the suggestions will put you on the path to success.
Navneet Khanna
Rajveer SIngh
GuestThanks a lot for your valuable reply sir. You are really a nice man. I would like to know when my career is gonna be established and in which field will it be. Currently, i am working with a private company, where i do not see much scope of growth. I am also interested in working in Govt department.
bhavin bhatia
GuestSir I am totally messed up by choosing engg as a career option I dont know what to do
I just want to know what I will be doing in future
My birthdetails are
Dob 4th oct 1992
Time 7:30am
Mumbai, , maharashtra, india -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterDear Bhavin,
Looking at your birth chart, there is a strong planetary position indicating that eventually you will do your own work and you will do very well in it. However it will be prudent to complete your engineering as you are already taken the course. Going forward it will help you certainly. Doing the below remedies will bring you gains.
1. Wear Pearl in Silver on your right hand little finger on Monday morning before 10 AM.
2. Read Hauman Chalisa Daily.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
bhavin bhatia
GuestThankyou sir
Thanks alot -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterChange is much indicated in the 2014. However it will be important to note that you should have something in your hand like a letter of appointment before you say quit to where you are working now. Favours from Govt are much indicated in your horoscope and you will gain if you deal with them.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Rajveer SIngh
GuestThank you sir. Thanks a lot.
bhavin bhatia
GuestSir can you predict when I will be in a relationship withsome
Feeling like loneliness -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterYou are in the main period of Moon and the sub period of Venus which are at an distance of gains to each other. Venus and Mercury in Lagan indicates that you are looking for a romanbtic, attractive, charming but intelligent partner. Someone with whom you can have a long lasting relationship. As your Rashi is Sagittarius you will get attracted to Aries and Leo. It is quite likely that you have someone in mind but due to planeary aspects your efforts are not getting desired results. The first half of 2014 will be much better results on this front.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
bhavin bhatia
GuestThank you sir for your response
According to dob I am librarian
And does librarians compatible with geminies -
Deepak Kumar
GuestSir i want to go abroad outside india…for post graduation mba…will i go in next 2 years ???
Navneet Khanna
According to date of birth you may be libran but that is the western style of calculation, as per Indian Vedic system your Moon is in the 9th sign which is Sagittarius and hense your Rashi is Sagittarius. In Vedic astrology we follow the Moon and not the Sun as in Western Astrology. Just for your knowledge Yes Librans and Geminis are highly compatible not only because Venus the lord of Libra and Mercury the lord of Gemini are friends but they are in the friendly distance as per astrology analysis and any libran would click very well with the Gemini. The only things to note here is that Librans are more balanced while Gemini sign as twins can be quite fickleminded and two personalities. I hope it helps you find a good compatibility.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
astrologer -
bhavin bhatia
GuestThank you sir
bhavin bhatia
GuestSir is there any chances for me to goto abroad countries and when
Guestsir i am working with an IT firm, i want to know that when are my chances togoto abroad countries ,and till when i will be stable and secured in my life
Guestmy birthdetails
name nikhil bhatia
dob 15th dec 1990
time 2:30 pm
india -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterYours is certainly a foreign linked horoscope and you will have many trips overseas. Jupiter is the lord of 9th house and 12th house and placed in the Kendra in cancer its sign of exaltation. Jupiter gets exalted next year in Transit and strongly supports visits overseas on work projects. You are also in the period of Sadhesati. Saturn is the lord of 10th house of profession and 11th house of professional gains. No doubt there will be pressure on the work front and efforts will be more than desire, but your hardwork will get rewarded appropriately and the second half of 2014 seems to bring you good rewards.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestPlease ask your questions in English
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterVery strong chances are there after December 2014. Saturn the lord of 12th house is in the 11th house of gains. Rahu aspects the lagana. The 4th house lord Mercury is combust and in an inimical position adding further boost to your desire to go abroad.
Navneet Khanna