Does my son have Autism?

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    • #148893 Reply

      Hello Everyone,

      My son was born on 20th Nov 2020 at 10:51AM, Bangalore (Bannerghatta Road), he had all his development till 1.5 year and started speaking but then stopped speaking, we are getting the speech therapy for him. My question is when would my son speak and does he have Autism.


      Grateful for your analysis and response!

      Thank you

      Concerned Mom

    • #148894 Reply


      It would help if you could kindly share details of the medical diagnosis, your observations of the child’s behavior, his cognitive skills and other development aspects. I would also appreciate if you could kindly provide some insight into the environment at home – quite frankly, there are a couple of things (including placement and influence of Saturn/Shani-dev, Jupiter/Guru-dev and Moon/Chandra in the birth-chart)  that seem to stand out for me and the one with regards to home environment is a bit of a concern. You see the 4th house of Homely Comforts is caught between Mars/Kuja (Badha-Karaka) and Rahu, in a strong Papakartari Yoga.

      On the sidelines, the child will be starting a decent benefic period, staring in a few days… hopefully, things should get better – not to mention dwindling effect of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. That said, it should not hurt for you to consider reading/chanting or making the child hear Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama.

      Take care…

      • #148896 Reply

        Hello Sir,


        Thank you for your prompt reply and here are the answers as you need it.

        1) These days kids having speech delay are mostly put into ASD category which is in his case.

        2) The kids was somewhat distanced from me at the age of 14 months as I had my daughter birth, I wasn’t able to focus on him solely because of which he got more drawn towards screen time with a significant amount of time.

        3) My son doesn’t mingle so much with other kids in school but surely is comfortable with them, no issues of panic or crying.

        4) He goes to school and remains there happily

        5) He certainly has development delays as he doesn’t speak also I feel doesn’t pick up quickly from environment.

        6) Sometimes I feel he got impacted psychologically after our daughter’s birth(Jan 2022) as he felt quite lonely and till date  doesn’t like her much.

        Home environment is normal, just bit of clashes due to regular stress but more now dues to him.

        If you could let me know by when he would start speaking and does he have cognitive challenges?

        Thank youl




    • #148903 Reply


      At a high-level the information you’ve shared is consistent with my understanding of the child’s birth-chart – although there seems to be something you might be holding up or perhaps not given a thought to. For instance, the child’s father seems to be detached/distracted – they’ll probably continue to have a bit of troubled relationship.

      Just so you are aware, Moon/Chandra in the child’s birth-chart is placed alongside Udaya Lagna, lagna lord Saturn/Shani-dev and 3rd & 12th lord Jupiter/Guru-dev (is not really a benefic – he is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation) in Capricorn/Makara Rashi. Moon/Chandra is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shravana Nakshatra, ruled by himself. So, the child started his life in Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). Incidentally, Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev being placed right behind and his transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra (Sade-Sathi) has some impact on his life and contributed to some stress for the care-takers. Proximity of Neecha or debilitated Jupiter/Guru-dev with Saturn/Shani-dev has also contributed the issues in parts.

      Anyways, it looks like you’ve observed the change or withdrawal in your son during Rahu Antara and the has perhaps continued in Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Antra. The child will soon be starting Antara of Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev in a few days… and as called out earlier, you should observe some improvements. Please be reminded Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev participates in Sukshma Parivarthana with 8th lord Sun/Ravi, placed in Badhaka-Sthana and loosely conjunct Ketu. So, there will be some delays and challenges.

      Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea to be aware of Rahu-Ketu and Jupiter/Guru-dev’s disposition in the child’s life, consider propitiating them (along with Sun/Ravi) on a regular basis.

      In any case, an in-person meeting and assessment would make more sense…instead of being handicapped by way of missing details over a virtual forum. Secondly, it might not be a bad idea to consider evaluating shared Karma by assessing the charts of other family members.

      Take care…

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