It is very doubtful that you will be successful in having a child of your own as per your horoscopes. However modern science can do wonders like artificial insemination etc. I am giving below the strength of your planets.
Planet Nature Strength%
Sun Malefic 70.47
Moon Malefic 1.63
Mars Benefic 23.32
Mercury Benefic 82.22
Jupiter Benefic 73.63
Venus Benefic 47.95
Saturn Benefic 53.35
Rahu Benefic 47.21
Kethu Benefic 52.06
Net Benefic 53.28
I am also giving the strength of planets of your husband.
Planet Nature Strength%
Sun Malefic 5.63
Moon Benefic 8.27
Mars Benefic 87.93
Mercury Benefic 18.28
Jupiter Benefic 33.31
Venus Benefic 44.12
Saturn Benefic 5.07
Rahu Benefic 23.10
Kethu Benefic 29.13
Net Benefic 29.74
Anyway best of luck.