Gender of yoni

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    • #133581 Reply
      Angkur dutta

      What do male & female yoni mean?

      What if a person,gender by male has female yoni?

    • #133601 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      First, you should know that Yoni is one of the many things that is checked when we study horoscope matching, it is not the only thing.

      When we are matching birth charts, we check the compatibility on various fronts. Sexual compatibility is one of those fronts.

      It’s important to understand the concept of yoni in marriage matchmaking. If there is an incompatibility between the partners, then it suggests unsatisfied partners on the sexual front. Marriage is a deep bonding that is physical, mental, and psychological, and if there is incompatibility on any front, it will only leave the partners unhappy and unsatisfied in the relationship. This unhappiness will only create problems in marital life.

      Yoni is related to the sexual choices a person has. It may be more masculine or feminine. I can say it is a symbolic representation of the sexual energies associated with each person.

      Therefore, if a person who is a male has a female yoni, it simply means that the person is more feminine towards his sexual choices and preferences. It does not mean that the person is less male in any way. Similarly, if a female has a male yoni, it means that her sexual preference and choice are more masculine.


      Navneet Khanna



    • #137993 Reply

      So, what if the male has a female tiger yoni( chitra), should he marry a male tiger(vishakha) or other female yoni, if he has which would be the best?

    • #138333 Reply

      My son prasad
      Dob 16th nov 1989,1:30 pm,margaon,goa


      Why does he have female yoni

      Is he weak
      What are the pujas to be performed to overcome all bad things.

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